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Read Thread: Stupid appendix!

Re: Stupid appendix! The HMO singers ; )
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #68253 by teekasue
Feb 1, 2007 4:48am
Thread (disabled) Board
Quote any medical/dental/including scrips and travel expenses for speacialists in certain circumstances

You can deduct all out-of-pocket medical and dental expenses EXCEPT for cosmetic purposes. This includes deductibles for each visit to the doctor's office. You can deduct mileage (standard rate of 18 cents per mile OR the actual expenses) for every trip to the local doctor, dentist, drug store, etc. You can even deduct other travel expenses; train, plane, taxi. An overnight stay for medical treatment can be deducted ($50 night per person) for the person receiving treatment and/or a parent, but not for the spouse.

You can deduct medical insurance premiums if the money used to pay for those premiums is taxable. Huh? Simply put, some insurances are before-tax and some are after-tax. A before-tax premium is not deductible because it was taken out of your gross income BEFORE you paid your income tax withholding. Which do you have? Ask your employer if you are not sure.

As a tax preparer, my standard question for this deduction was always "Did you have any out-of-pocket medical or dental expenses? Glasses, braces, crutches, bandages, home improvements for the handicap, stop-smoking or weight loss programs? Yes, Weight Watchers weekly fees are deductible, if you have been diagnosed as obese. You can NOT deduct expenses for generic meds like Tylenol, Aspirin, etc.

Quote it has to total that certain %

Medical has to be more that 7.5% of you AGI. Which is basically your total taxable income from ALL sources. This does not include nontaxable income.

Quote So, if I pay the bill this year, but it's for my appendix from last year, can I claim it somehow for 2006 or do I have to wait for when I file my 2007 taxes?

Sorry. You can only claim expenses in the year the expenses were actually paid.

Hope this helps,