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Read Thread: To Mall or Not to Mall

Re: To Mall or Not to Mall
Board: State: Vermont
Reply to: #673167 by Bubbaloo Magoo
Feb 1, 2012 5:28am
Thread (disabled) Board
BUBS!!! it's YOU!!! you're not DEAD!!!

we were thinking about having a gathering of micro boxes at a local mall, cuz of the bad weather. kind of a spontaneous meet, where people bring their little carves and micro boxes. Meet at the local mall, with index cards. Take said index cards, go hide boxes, write out clues. Meet back at the food court, exchange cards. Go find boxes (you have 15 min, Secret Sleuth Agents). Stamp in on backs of cards as logbooks. Come back to food court, do it again until everyone has all the microboxes. Go out to dinner.

There were some objections, as malls have cameras, and there were some in the discussion who were of the opinion that we were all going to get arrested, or that a mall was a place of business and it was Not OK to do this. Anyway, the whole idea never got off the ground.

On the other hand, there's always the Rockingham Mall in NH, which is much bigger. . .
