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Read Thread: Oh i like the highlighted date on the event page

Re: Oh i like the highlighted date on the event page
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #550021 by Maude
Oct 1, 2010 5:27am
Thread (disabled) Board
No NO!! She's at work and HE has the car!!

I'm such a good hubby, I bought her her own car!
Re: Oh i like the highlighted date on the event page
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #550045 by Kirbert
Oct 1, 2010 7:40am
Thread (disabled) Board
I'm such a good hubby, I bought her her own car!

"good husband" has nothing to do with economic situation. It's nice to know you can easily afford multiple cars, insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...but spending money is not what makes someone a good husband.

good husbands love their wife, they take care of them and protect them. good husbands help their wives out, and support them in every way they can. good husbands take careful care of the availble finances, which sometimes means not making expenditures that can't be afforded.

The very word "husband", as a noun meand a married man. As a verb, however, it means a careful, prudent, and frugal manager.

I'm glad that you feel that, in your economic situation, buying your wife her own car makes you a good husband. maybe it does. maybe you can afford it, and providing her with her own transportation is how you can best protect, care for, and provide for her.

There's no need to imply that someone who does not buy his wife her own car is not a good husband, though. There's much you don't know about his situation. Perhaps by taking her to work, he is caring for her because her car is temporarily in the shop. He obviously needs the car during the day because he is helping and taking care of both his wife and his children by caring for his grandson. He could let her drive to work while he selfishly remains in b ed, then park his grandson in front of the television; but he cares enough to get up, take her to work, and then take his grandson letterboxing. He cares enough for his family to spend his time doing things for them.

I'm not saying that you're not a good husband. I'm not saying that he's a better husband than you. I'm just trying to remind you, and others, that there's more to being a "good" husband, than spending money on the family.

Re: Oh i like the highlighted date on the event page
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #550077 by Romana
Oct 1, 2010 8:20am
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I think he was being facetious.

It's Kirbert.
Re: Oh i like the highlighted date on the event page
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #550091 by Fiddleheads
Oct 1, 2010 8:38am
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I was pretty sure he was being facetious, because I knew it was Kirbert...but I also know the "target" might not know Kirbert as well...and I also think it's a point worth being reminded on every once in a while, that love doesn't equal spending money.

I also knew I wouldn't hurt kirbert's feelings by pointing the reminder in his direction...because he is a good hubby, and a good man.

Re: Oh i like the highlighted date on the event page
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #550095 by Romana
Oct 1, 2010 8:55am
Thread (disabled) Board
love doesn't equal spending money.

I tell Amanda that all the time, but she still wants me to spend money on her. *shaking head* =)

-- Ryan