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Read Thread: MIA Letterboxes

Re: MIA Letterboxes
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #519215 by OhanaTribe
Jun 1, 2010 6:09am
Thread (disabled) Board
damaged/destroyed boxes... sent both owners a friendly message about them, with details about the situation and offers to help repair/replace, to mail the lonely little logbook we found,

If its close to your home, I would repair/replace anything that needed it. If you liked the location/box enough. Or felt it worthy of doing so. This after tries of response. It could some day become one of your own if you wait long enough and contact Ryan about it, talk it over....and adopted the box. I found out that it is not truly yours after all if the owner comes back and decided to box once again. That was fine with me as it was a friend of mine that this particular box belonged to and I had conversed with her about it before hand. I had carved the whole series and she planted them. But you would not be in that situation and there may be more to it than what I speak of, hince the talk with Ryan. Suggest leaving the old logbook in place, however. Add a new one.
Just my 2 cents,