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Read Thread: No!!!! Not the pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: back to school, oh hey
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30557 by Bungalow Boxer
Aug 1, 2006 5:37am
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...that reminds me, with back to school time, that means school supplies like Crayola markers are on sale for 99 cents at Target, Office Depot and a few other places. As are unlined index cards, which make great logbook pages!
Re: back to school, oh hey
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30576 by mowizliz
Aug 1, 2006 5:40am
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...that reminds me, with back to school time, that means school supplies like Crayola markers are on sale for 99 cents at Target, Office Depot and a few other places. As are unlined index cards, which make great logbook pages!</qoute>

Great I go to I go to Walmart....
Re: No!!!! Not the pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30565 by zoemomma
Aug 1, 2006 5:44am
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I start August 25. I don't want to go. I still have to write a paper and read a book. Ugh I just don't want too.
Re: No!!!! Not the pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30557 by Bungalow Boxer
Aug 1, 2006 5:51am
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I start student teaching August 7... I wonder where summer went... I think I missed it...
Yes!!!! The pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30569 by Nitrocat
Aug 1, 2006 7:01am
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Quote Just one more reason to be thankful that we homeschool.

Yeah, kind of nice to be able to plan your own life, instead of others planning it for you! 8-D

But seriously, we've already hit Walmart for the school supplies we'll plow through this homeschool year (our 15th). I love buying the new pencils (regular and colored), crayons, markers, gluesticks, etc. Load up for my Cub Scouts, too.

Baby is due next week, so only 18 more years to go...;-)

Best of luck to all students this year!
Re: Yes!!!! The pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30588 by FamilyMan
Aug 1, 2006 7:10am
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32 years of homeschooling!!!

Wow! What a commitment from someone who didn't really want children!...

See, I remember the story from the Trailnames ring!! Heehee!

I am off to Walmart today if I can get the sleepy kids up! And not mine....guests! Time to show them the way it is around here!

Re: Yes!!!! The pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30588 by FamilyMan
Aug 1, 2006 7:32am
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Quote Yeah, kind of nice to be able to plan your own life, instead of others planning it for you! 8-D

But seriously, we've already hit Walmart for the school supplies we'll plow through this homeschool year (our 15th)... Baby is due next week, so only 18 more years to go...;-)

Wow! I humbly bow to the Master! 15 years of homeschooling and a baby on the way - now, that's awe-inspiring!

This is only our 7th year of homeschooling (and planning our own life!); we don't officially 'start' until after the fall festivals (Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur & Succot - which can be an education in itself!).

On a side note, what does Ryan care if school starts soon/now? He isn't affected - he just likes to tweak us... :-)

Re: Yes!!!! The pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30591 by SHH
Aug 1, 2006 7:56am
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Quote ...what does Ryan care if school starts soon/now? He isn't affected - he just likes to tweak us...

Hmmm....maybe he gets some kind of a kickback ("promotional incentive") from Crayola and RoseArt to fund a new system with DSL service...;-)
Re: No!!!! Not the pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30596 by kilroy
Aug 1, 2006 8:14am
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Would this be a bad time to mention that I'm all for year-round public school?

(Yes, I am a teacher...just in case you thought I was but then weren't sure after reading that statement.)
Re: No!!!! Not the pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30601 by Mn8X
Aug 1, 2006 8:28am
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Would this be a bad time to mention that I'm all for year-round public school?

(Yes, I am a teacher...just in case you thought I was but then weren't sure after reading that statement.)

You know, I'm a teacher too and I must agree with year-round school. The reason for summers off is long past....most kids wouldn't know a baler if it ran over them. Yep, 9 weeks on, 3 weeks off really sounds good and logical.....since everyone seems to think kids lose too much over summer. I'm 60 and I know that if you LEARN something, then it isn't lost after 8 weeks or so.

Oops...there I am on my soapbox again!!
Re: No!!!! Not the pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30601 by Mn8X
Aug 1, 2006 8:52am
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Quote Would this be a bad time to mention that I'm all for year-round public school?

Nope, not to me. We homeschool year round, and it works just fine.

When I was a kid, and being the oldest, summer vacation meant watching my siblings while my parents worked. I would have loved for school to go year round!

All those buildings idling by, while teachers have their summers off, teenagers wandering around town, kids in daycare all the time...they are better off in school.

I know, not the popular viewpoint...
Re: No!!!! Not the pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30567 by Padfoot Treehuggers
Aug 1, 2006 11:15am
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One of my schools doesn't go back until September 6th (due to construction at area schools). Most of my schools are back in around August 30th. UGH!!!!! I remember when we always went back after Labor Day, and were only in until June 20th. I think they've made us go more days in the school year since I was in school......

I can't believe people are already back! You guys must have air conditioning in your schools. Most of our schools here in CT do not have air conditioning, so the kids roast in August and June.

Music Woman
Re: No!!!! Not the pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30605 by FamilyMan
Aug 1, 2006 11:51am
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I will go on the record FOR year-round school. I don't have kids, but my dh is a school administrator and he works year-round. The first requirement would have to be: Air-conditioning in ALL schools in the nation. Terms could be separated with 2-week breaks to allow families and teachers the opportunity to take a vacation. Five 8-week terms and five 2-week breaks. The last thing we need to be trading higher test scores for is physical activity. I would make daily unstructured recess mandatory. This is where kids learn to socialize and learn how to resolve conflicts. More class time can result in additional subjects being taught and explored.

Okay, more than my 2-cents worth,
Re: No!!!! Not the pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #30641 by Bungalow Boxer
Aug 1, 2006 1:47pm
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Yes, Music Woman, our schools down here in Georgia most definitely have air conditioning!!!! I can't think of a single public facility or private home of anyone I know that doesn't have central AC. I'm sure there are some facilities and homes without it, but it can't be many!

I was surprised to realize when visiting my sister in CT years ago that the majority of homes don't have AC up there. Just never dawned on me, being a southerner most of my life. We were up there for the 4th of July weekend in 1999 and it was HOT! We spent the afternoon in the mall to cool off!
