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Read Thread: !00% Goal Achievement! :D 100 HH's

!00% Goal Achievement! :D 100 HH's
Board: Hitchhikers, Cooties, and Fleas
Jan 1, 2006 11:23pm
Thread (disabled) Board
What's that? Yes, indeed...I did just carve not only my 100th, but my 101th Hitchhikers! :D

My goal of carving 100 HH's has been reached. And looking at my list of HH ideas, i've still got another 56 to go! :D

What can you expect? Well, another 19 of those 'Fear, Itself' phobia HH' least, I may add more as I come up wtih more designs for more phobias. Also, more HH's based on the webcomics I read...probably around another 15 or so of those. The rest are random ideas I've had. :D

Ok then! Happy New Years! And what a great way to start it off, completing one of my goals! :D

-Celtic Quinn
Re: !00% Goal Achievement! :D 100 HH's
Board: Hitchhikers, Cooties, and Fleas
Reply to: #13906 by Celtic Quinn
Jan 2, 2006 6:47am
Thread (disabled) Board
My goodness...101 HHs! I can barely keep track of the 5 or so I've got out there. Well, congratulations, Hitchhiker King, for reaching your goal!