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Read Thread: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!

Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105225 by heyokah man
Jul 1, 2007 5:34am
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I should've clarified, I meant finding letterboxers by their code name so that one could start communicating with them on atlasquest. But, I agree on the safety thing-there are some weirdos out there aren't there??? Yes, I know the box has been orphaned-hence the reason I'm concerned about it!
NatureCrew and the 3rd Molar
Adoption - info not in Help section Re: Sneaky.....
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105223 by NatureCrew
Jul 1, 2007 5:35am
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Quote what can one do if you know that a person doesn't check boxes anymore and hasn't logged on in two years and you are capable of adopting the abandoned boxes?

I wanted to provide a link to the help page that discusses adoption procedures but I couldn't find a help page. I'd write one up but I don't know the whole ins-and-outs about adoption. I do know that when a box has been abandoned, you'll see this:
Owner: Not Listed [Adopt Me!] on the Box Details page. You would click the Adopt Me! link. But there's some criteria as to who can adopt a box (based on number of hides and finds, I believe).

Looks like we could use an "Adoption" sub-section in the Help section.

Lone R
Adoption - info not in Help section Re: Sneaky.....
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105228 by Lone R
Jul 1, 2007 5:40am
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Yes in this particular case, the original planter isn't on AtlasQuest anymore and one box is missing and the other was found, but I am concerned that it can't be checked. The stamp in it is GREAT! But, we've emailed the owner several times with no luck.
Adoption - info not in Help section Re: Sneaky.....
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105228 by Lone R
Jul 1, 2007 5:42am
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There are message boards here on AQ for each state. Perhaps you could check your state's board to find boxers near you. Or check out who has planted and found boxes near you, and look at their profiles to see if they have listed where they live.

Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105227 by NatureCrew
Jul 1, 2007 5:47am
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The dropdown "People" at the top of most Atlas Quest pages has a "find letterboxer" tab. Type in all or just part of the trail name and a list will show with all the trail names that meet the parameters. From there, click on the profile and then the envelope icon. That will open a new message screen.That should do it. heyokah man
Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105232 by heyokah man
Jul 1, 2007 6:17am
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I think the question is
"Is there a way to search the AQ letterboxers list by location, instead of by name?"
I have wondered this as well, but have not seen any way to do it. Sometimes I'm curious to see if there are many letterboxers in my area who have profiles on AQ. I think this might be what NatureCrew was originally wanting to know, but I could be wrong.
-Quiet Place
Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105223 by NatureCrew
Jul 1, 2007 6:23am
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Also, what can one do if you know that a person doesn't check boxes anymore and hasn't logged on in two years and you are capable of adopting the abandoned boxes?

I would make a final attempt to contact the placer and then if after a reasonable amount of time, I would adopt the box. If there hasn't been a log on in 2 years I think you should be safe.

Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105223 by NatureCrew
Jul 1, 2007 6:30am
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OK, OK I got it now. This is a little going around Robin Hood's barn (wonder where that phrase came from). Go into the listing for any box in your area. Click on the "show finds" link and connect with boxers from there. heyokah man
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105239 by JerseyTrailblazers
Jul 1, 2007 7:20am
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We have a local placer who just dropped out of boxing, very much abandoning her 80 boxes...and has gone more than 2 years without a log-in. I wanted to avoid adopting the boxes, because I feel that she would resent someone else controlling her boxes and clues. I also struggle to do my own maintenance, and need to spend the free time I have on those.

I try to check on the ones I can, and I temporarily adopt the boxes to update the status. Meaning I adopt them, change the status (to retired), and then reassign them back to her. I can only do this for AQ, not for LBNA. We put the word out on the Texas lists for someone to let me know if they really think one has gone missing.

This strategy has worked pretty well, but something recently has happened that befuddled me. I had assumed she was totally gone from letterboxing. Then, last week, I was doing some maintenance on one of my boxes and she had found it and signed in 3 months ago. These clues are hosted on AQ, so she is at least coming to the site to get clues (but not as her old trailname, or it would show a log-in).

So, in this case, I now can assume that she is not completely gone from boxing, but is purposefully choosing to ignore all her own boxes. And that they truly are litterboxes.

This makes me sad. Don't let your letterboxes become litterboxes!

Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105242 by JerseyTrailblazers
Jul 1, 2007 7:48am
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Quote There are some pretenders out there - people who pretend to be other boxers or copy their stamp or style...which in and of itself is not a nice thing to do.

You have got to be kidding me. Other then a homage stamp..this kind of behavior befuddles and saddens me.

"Nice Counts'
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105242 by JerseyTrailblazers
Jul 1, 2007 7:55am
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Quote Are you sure it's the same person? ..Since the person is not using the same trailname? Is she using the same signature stamp or someother identifying feature?

I must not have been clear. She signed into my box as herself with her familiar sig stamp and handwriting. She just is not signing onto AQ as her old self (coming here anonymously to get clues perhaps and not logging finds online).

It makes me sad she's ignoring her boxes, almost as if they don't exist. If she doesn't want to deal with them, I wish she'd go pick them up and retire them permanently. Or, at least update the clues on LBNA to let people know which boxes are missing.

People cycle in and out of boxing all the time, so maybe finding some boxes was so much fun, she'll get back into it more.

Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105241 by dewberry
Jul 1, 2007 8:20am
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Quote We have a local placer who just dropped out of boxing, very much abandoning her 80 boxes...and has gone more than 2 years without a log-in.

Perhaps there should be some established, convenient method for a person to leave this hobby. For example, a place on "My Page" where you can click a box indicating you're leaving and won't be back. A suitable note or icon would be attached to your profile, all of your boxes would be put up for adoption, etc.

I'm thinking the profile icon should switch to a black-and-white icon. Sorta like a ghost of the original boxer. And the AQ mail envelope should disappear altogether, as they apparently won't be checking their AQ mail.

While the primary focus is on people opting out of the hobby, this system could also be used when someone finds out that a box has passed away, and possibly even when a boxer simply hasn't logged on for some amount of time.

And, of course, there should be a method by which a boxer can un-retire, if they change their mind and decide to come back.
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105251 by dewberry
Jul 1, 2007 8:24am
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Quote She just is not signing onto AQ as her old self (coming here anonymously to get clues perhaps and not logging finds online).

Forgot her password?
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105251 by dewberry
Jul 1, 2007 8:27am
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I guess I was lucky. I adopted 5 boxes around here when it seemed the planters were gone. I put a big note on the clues about how I was just the caretaker and if the original planters wanted their boxes back, I'd give them to them in a flash, and I just wanted to keep the boxes out there, etc. etc.

YEARS later, I got an email from the original planters, thanking me for looking after the boxes and assuring me that it was okay with them, since they'd had to leave letterboxing due to health concerns. But I never thought of them as my boxes, and still don't. I'm just the caretaker, even though I've recarved the stamps and even rehidden a couple of them.

As for connecting with boxers in a certain area, I recommend (as have others) posting on the AQ board for whatever state you're interested in. I just posted on the ME board that I'd be there soon on vacation, and a bunch of nice folks spoke up!

Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105223 by NatureCrew
Jul 1, 2007 8:28am
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Just because someone chooses not to sign on to this site does not mean that he/she is no longer a Letterboxer.

Boxes, even though in the wild, do have owners. If you see that bags need to be replaced, repairs need to be made, etc. and you are able to provide that bit of first aid then do it, it's part of letterboxing (to come with extra supplies that might be needed).

But without the owner’s permission, it is my opinion, that you may not “adopt” the box - that (again in my opinion), would be kidnapping not adopting.

It’s wonderful that you want to take care of boxes that you have seen that might need some TLC, you can do that. Also, there is no rule that one must have planted their own box in order to “adopt” one in the wild. In fact there are no rules to Letterboxing at all.

Some people move, or travel around the country planting boxes (in some cases I doubt they can maintain them), but that does not mean that they are up for adoption.

My two cents,
Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105259 by Perdu
Jul 1, 2007 8:37am
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Quote Some people move, or travel around the country planting boxes (in some cases I doubt they can maintain them), but that does not mean that they are up for adoption.

The way it is set up here on AQ is that if someone doesn't log in for a year, their boxes are available for adoption by qualified boxers. There is no system on LBNA, and I think things are handled by the webmasters on a case by case basis.

There is a lot of frustration from people where boxes have been known missing for years and the clues are never updated to reflect that, because the placer has dropped out of letterboxing.

I whole heartedly agree that many times it isn't clear cut. It's very tricky to parse out whether boxes have been abandoned or if the placer is just dormant or doesn't like to respond to email.

Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105225 by heyokah man
Jul 1, 2007 8:44am
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Quote There are several boxes in my area that are crying out to be adopted but I have yet to plant any boxes of my own and I think that is one of the requirements. Planting a box is a little like having a child in that it carries a certain amount of responsibility. It's always a little disappointing to find a neglected box.

Another thing you might want to do is check with the locals and see if someone else has contact information for the placer of the boxes you have found. I know my best friend is a very profilic carver, and hid a ton of boxes, but has had issues with email, etc. Sooo.. if I hear there's a problem, I can alert her and either her or I will take care of it. :)

Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105263 by dewberry
Jul 1, 2007 8:47am
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Quote Some people move, or travel around the country planting boxes (in some cases I doubt they can maintain them), but that does not mean that they are up for adoption.

The way it is set up here on AQ is that if someone doesn't log in for a year, their boxes are available for adoption by qualified boxers. There is no system on LBNA, and I think things are handled by the webmasters on a case by case basis.

There is a lot of frustration from people where boxes have been known missing for years and the clues are never updated to reflect that, because the placer has dropped out of letterboxing.

I whole heartedly agree that many times it isn't clear cut. It's very tricky to parse out whether boxes have been abandoned or if the placer is just dormant or doesn't like to respond to email.


It isn't up to this site or any other to dictate when a box can be adopted. Just because someone says it...webmaster or not...doesn't make it so, unless one is talking for the sole purpose of points/counts on that site and that is another matter entirely.

Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105234 by HG's Crew
Jul 1, 2007 8:50am
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Quote Also, what can one do if you know that a person doesn't check boxes anymore and hasn't logged on in two years and you are capable of adopting the abandoned boxes?

I would make a final attempt to contact the placer and then if after a reasonable amount of time, I would adopt the box. If there hasn't been a log on in 2 years I think you should be safe.

Am I the only one that is bothered by this current need to adopt every box that looks like it *might* be abandoned? I fully understand the want and need to repair a box, but as long as the stamp is there, I don't consider that worthy of adoption. If I run into a box that is in bad shape. I will happily replace the bags, add a log book, even replace the box if it's broken. I go home and let the placer know exactly what I've done so they can "undo" anything they didn't want done.

Now, what if the placer doesn't respond. It's ok.. the box is there and it's now in good shape because of the TLC I gave it. So, what if there are no clues to the box any longer? Can't you just spread the word WOM. When I run into those situations, I let those I box with know the box is there. They spread the word to others as well. That way, the box is still being found, still being loved, still being shared with the world, but *I* am not taking over someone elses box.

Just my two cents.
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105255 by JerseyTrailblazers
Jul 1, 2007 8:56am
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Quote "...I must not have been clear. She signed into my box as herself with her familiar sig stamp and handwriting. She just is not signing onto AQ as her old self (coming here anonymously to get clues perhaps and not logging finds online)..."

In the spirit of always looking for the good side of people...

Maybe she had some family issues or health issues and is just coming back to boxing. Maybe she's going to find a few and then repair all of her boxes. I'd give it a another month or two before I wrote her off.

Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105266 by Maiden
Jul 1, 2007 8:57am
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Quote Another thing you might want to do is check with the locals and see if someone else has contact information for the placer of the boxes you have found.

Excellent point, Maiden! Checking with locals is a great way to ask.

As I have said before, although Atlas Quest is fantastic and many of us use it profusely, it is not the only place for letterboxers.

Just because someone has not logged on here for one year does not mean they are not active. They may have lost their password, as Kirbert said, they may have been offended by someone or something here and no longer like AQ, etc.

Post an email on LBNA yahoo group and the regional yahoo group asking if anyone has heard of them and from them recently.

Ask some locals individually, as Maiden said. Post on the regional boards here, too.

And I really liked the idea of caretaker, not adopter. Just as there is no guarantee that a box you are searching is there, so there is no guarantee that any adopting or caretaking will be rewarded if the owner comes back.

You give your efforts and service freely because you want a great box to continue, no matter what.

My 4-1/2 cents.

Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105268 by Maiden
Jul 1, 2007 8:57am
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Quote Am I the only one that is bothered by this current need to adopt every box that looks like it *might* be abandoned? I fully understand the want and need to repair a box, but as long as the stamp is there, I don't consider that worthy of adoption. If I run into a box that is in bad shape. I will happily replace the bags, add a log book, even replace the box if it's broken. I go home and let the placer know exactly what I've done so they can "undo" anything they didn't want done.

Now, what if the placer doesn't respond. It's ok.. the box is there and it's now in good shape because of the TLC I gave it. So, what if there are no clues to the box any longer? Can't you just spread the word WOM. When I run into those situations, I let those I box with know the box is there. They spread the word to others as well. That way, the box is still being found, still being loved, still being shared with the world, but *I* am not taking over someone elses box.

Just my two cents.

Thank you!

That's all I'm trying to say.

Exactly, what she said...yep.

Together that's 4 cents in the pot,
Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105223 by NatureCrew
Jul 1, 2007 9:13am
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is there a way to find out where the letterboxers are in a particular area?

You have a few of options.

  • Notice the people who are planting and finding boxes in your area. Most of them are probably locals.
  • Attend (or plan!) a gathering in your area. Those who show up will likely be locals. =)
  • Search for letterboxing bloggers in your area. If they have a blog in your area, they're probably locals.
  • Post to your state board and ask.

There's more details in the Help section about How to find letterboxers in your area.

what can one do if you know that a person doesn't check boxes anymore and hasn't logged on in two years and you are capable of adopting the abandoned boxes?

Adopt them, I would imagine. =)

-- Ryan
Re: Sneaky.........sneaky........sneaky....BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105268 by Maiden
Jul 1, 2007 9:21am
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Quote Also, what can one do if you know that a person doesn't check boxes anymore and hasn't logged on in two years and you are capable of adopting the abandoned boxes?

I would make a final attempt to contact the placer and then if after a reasonable amount of time, I would adopt the box. If there hasn't been a log on in 2 years I think you should be safe.

Am I the only one that is bothered by this current need to adopt every box that looks like it *might* be abandoned? I fully understand the want and need to repair a box, but as long as the stamp is there, I don't consider that worthy of adoption. If I run into a box that is in bad shape. I will happily replace the bags, add a log book, even replace the box if it's broken. I go home and let the placer know exactly what I've done so they can "undo" anything they didn't want done.

Now, what if the placer doesn't respond. It's ok.. the box is there and it's now in good shape because of the TLC I gave it. So, what if there are no clues to the box any longer? Can't you just spread the word WOM. When I run into those situations, I let those I box with know the box is there. They spread the word to others as well. That way, the box is still being found, still being loved, still being shared with the world, but *I* am not taking over someone else's box.

Just my two cents.

I agree! I maintain almost all the boxes at a local well known park and only contact owner if I need to ask what they want done or not done! I just keep an eye one them! Only because it is the right thing to do and I hope they would do it for me or you! I will not ever adopt them unless asked to by owner! :)
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105239 by JerseyTrailblazers
Jul 1, 2007 9:36am
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Okay, okay, I see now-I wasn't sure that we were allowed to maintain a box that had seemingly been abandoned without adopting it. We can just maintain now that I know we can!!!
I will continue to find LB's that are in our area one way or another-as per the suggestions from here! Now I see something about a PLCG group and an LBNA group-what's that?
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105254 by Kirbert
Jul 1, 2007 9:38am
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I agree-for whatever reason, some folks must feel badly about leaving their boxes or some such mental thing. Maybe they're embarrassed?? I don't know-but maybe if they could make it easy to leave?
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105239 by JerseyTrailblazers
Jul 1, 2007 9:47am
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This was the subject of a recent flame war on the LBNA yahoo boards where someone who placed a number of boxes and hadn't been around for quite awhile to check on them, was upset when another person "adopted" them.

Letterboxes that have been abandoned essentially become litter. They litter the locations where they were planted, and they litter the database with a lot of "active" boxes that have been missing for months or years, and I firmly believe we should not litter. It sets a bad example, and it does not encourage park rangers to allow letterboxing on their property if they think the boxes will just be abandoned.

If you hide a letterbox in the great outdoors, it is your responsibility to take care of them. That does not necessarily mean you have to physical go to the box every two weeks, but at least monitor reports of problems so you can let others know when maintenance is needed and keep the information about the box up-to-date.

I've made no secret of the fact that letterboxes owned by people who have not logged into Atlas Quest will automatically be available for adoption, and if this is an issue for someone, they have two options: (1) Take their boxes off of Atlas Quest, or (2) log in at least once a year so their boxes will not be eligible for adoption.

AQ will try to contact the owner through e-mail about one week before the boxes go up for adoption to let them know what is happening, but the vast majority of those messages bounce. If you can't keep your contact information up-to-date, it seems reasonable to assume that you aren't keeping your boxes up-to-date either. So for any letterbox that is up for adoption, there has at least been an attempt to notify them of the change.

However, for those who quit letterboxing and decide to come back, they can reclaim their boxes at any time.

As for my personal take--if the stamp in the box goes missing, I'd be more likely to retire the box and free up the area for a new and different letterbox. Unless there's something particularly historic about the box (first in the state or something), let boxes die. I think a lot of letterboxers tend to feel that all letterboxes should always last forever, but they don't and they won't. If a box has had a good run before it goes missing, let it stay missing and create a new box in the area so locals have something new to find. =)

If a person's box ends up being adopted by someone else, they really have no one to blame but themselves. It's very easy to avoid having your boxes put up for adoption, and as long as your contact information is up-to-date, it shouldn't even be a surprise.

LbNA seems to take adoptions on a case-by-case basis, which I think is kind of unfortunate since there aren't clear guidelines about when a box can be adopted. I don't know the details of the LbNA incident, but I feel there should be clearly established rules for when your boxes will go up for adoption, and I think there should be at least one attempt to contact the planter to let them know what will happen unless they take action to stop it.

For any box listed on Atlas Quest that is available for adoption, you can be certain that the planter themselves put the box up for adoption OR it was 'forcibly' put up for adoption because the box had seemingly been abandoned and the planter failed to take action when an attempt was made to notify them of the problem.

-- Ryan

PS. There is an entry about adoptions in the Help section at , but it's not nearly as thorough as this post. Perhaps I'll add some more details to it.
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky.......
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105295 by JerseyTrailblazers
Jul 1, 2007 10:29am
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I tried awhile back to contact the placer but got no response. I don't want to adopt it - I enjoyed helping to maintain it.

Oh, that's fine. =) You don't need to "officially" adopt a box to replace full logbooks or dry out wet out, or replace a Ziplock occasionally. Heck, that's the sort of stuff I do for boxes that ARE maintained by active letterboxers. =)

Officially adopting a box suggests more than just simple maintenance. It allows you to adjust the clues if the terrain or landmarks change. It allows you to change the status of the box, as necessary. And it puts you in the notification loop if someone reports problems or issues with the box. Simple maintenance does not require an adoption. Some people even temporarily adopt a box just to update the status then immediately relinquish ownership, and that's not a problem either. It helps keep the listings up-to-date and accurate without having to formally adopt a box into perpetuity.

Another thing I forgot to mention--when someone does adopt a box, AQ will notify the old owner (via AQ mail) about who adopted their box with a link to reclaim the ownership.

In most cases, there's no need to 'officially' adopt a box. It's just an option for the rare cases when it's needed. (Less than 2% of the boxes on AQ are currently available for adoption.)

-- Ryan
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105283 by NatureCrew
Jul 1, 2007 12:14pm
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Quote I see now-I wasn't sure that we were allowed to maintain a box that had seemingly been abandoned without adopting it.

Oh, goodness! As far as basic maintenance goes, I have always provided what I could. I never knew there might be a question!

Perhaps some clarification is in order. IMHO, few would argue about finders providing any of these maintenance services:

- Add/replace baggies
- Replace pen (unless original is unusual color or otherwise unique)
- Add second log book because the original is full

The following might be more subject to difference of opinion:

- Replace container because the original is damaged
- Replace damaged ink pad
- Relocate box to more secure location
- Remove box, take home, service, return

The one thing I don't think you can do without adopting a box is alter the clues.
Adopting Boxes - Re: ..sneaky...sneaky...BOO!
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #105287 by Green Tortuga
Jul 1, 2007 12:31pm
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Quote Letterboxes that have been abandoned essentially become litter.

As one who regularly plants boxes on vacation with no intention of ever returning to service them, this is a topic that concerns me. I have noticed that some boxers, either moving or giving up the hobby, have gone through considerable effort to pull all their boxes, even recruiting others on the boards to help them. I contend this is unnecessary, just put them up for adoption and let others care for them. The adopters can retire them later if they see fit. If I put a box up for adoption, am I still responsible for that box becoming "litter"? Am I obligated to make sure the box is properly adopted before being absolved of responsibility for it?

Quote I've made no secret of the fact that letterboxes owned by people who have not logged into Atlas Quest will automatically be available for adoption...

Suggestion: When this happens, an announcement should be generated on that state's board. The problem with these things is that the locals have all long since found that box. Hence, they never check on its listing and see that it's available for adoption.

In fact, when any box becomes available for adoption -- including because the owner cleared the "owner" field on the listing, or even that he didn't fill in the owner field when first listing the box -- perhaps a message to the state board should be generated.

Alternatively, maybe the announcement should go to anyone who has a search notification set up for the area. IOW, you not only get notifications that new boxes have appeared, but also that boxes have gone up for adoption.