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Atlas Quest
Tracker #6826

Playing Cards RingThemed

Postal Tracker
ListedDecember 16, 2012
ModifiedFebruary 8, 2013
StartsFebruary 15, 2013Receive by
Max Signups12


My father used to collect decks of playing cards. What fantastic images they had! Interesting, educational, comical.

Find a fun playing card image, and make a stamp from it. Make or purchase a logbook. Share them!

My policy so far has been to have no real rules, but I have learned a few things along the way which tend to be helpful in keeping a ring moving and pleasant:

*Please only join if you can resend packages within 3-5 days. I understand folks go away sometimes, and that is fine if you let me know. Communication is absolutely key. I am very easy to get along with.... but ya gotta talk to me. =)

*Please don't use metallic ink on other people's stamps unless requested. There is much debate about this. If you want your stamp done in metallic ink, please send the ink along with your package.

*If your package is heavier than the average (which would be, say, a cost of up to $3) please let the group know. Some folks avoid rings with excessive postage costs. Also, please be sure to put the proper postage on your packages. Sending packages postage due is really uncool. If you are unsure what a package costs, have the p.o. weigh it. Postage scales are not very expensive. If you use your own postage system at home, or use stamps (as I often do) postage scales are invaluable.

I welcome those who are new to postals and those who have done many of them. Questions are always welcome. We all were newbies at one time! Join the fun!

I look forward to seeing what you come up with!


  1. ddmckennaProfileContactLogbookNote
  2. JEDSProfileContactLogbookNote
  3. helms2049ProfileContactLogbookNote
  4. tie dye sueProfileContactLogbookNote
  5. ScribeProfileContactLogbookNote
  6. BombshellProfileContactLogbookNote
  7. Chicken LittleProfileContactLogbookNote
  8. TheseCrazyKidsProfileContactLogbookNote
  9. skier4444ProfileContactLogbookNote
Finds Summary
Robocycle Jack of Spades
The Joker's Wild
Card Back
Ace of Spades
Sassy Clubs
Sexy Joker
The Joker
One Elephant.
ace of hearts
4.tie dye sueO
7.Chicken Little