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Tracker #6228

Marjorie's Potpourri (March 2012) SwapTrades AllowedPotpourri

LTC Tracker
ListedMarch 1, 2012
ModifiedMarch 1, 2012
StartsMarch 31, 2012Receive by
OwnerGreen TortugaProfileContactLogbookNote
Max Signupsunlimited


The rules are easy. Send us 5 LTCs with a self-addressed stamped envelope, and you'll get 5 LTCs back. There are no themes, so use your imagination. This tracker will run every month, so if you miss the start date because you got busy or something came up—don't worry about it. Just join up for the next month. There is no limit to the number of people who can participate, however, you'll send 5 and only 5 LTCs. We'll mix them up and send you 5 random LTCs in return from all the ones received. If you send more than 5, that's fine—the Green Tortuga will be happy to keep one for himself and give everyone else extras, but only expect to receive 5 LTCs in return.

Send the LTCs and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

Ryan Carpenter
Attn: Marjorie's Potpourri
PO Box 16131
Seattle, WA 98116

Join this tracker and list your LTC to help everyone record their finds a bit easier. If your LTCs have not been received by the end of the month, they will be saved and included in the next month of potpourri-ing.

A few notes to keep in mind:

  • It does not matter if you've used a set of LTCs in another swap. You can send completely original and new ones, or old ones that have been used in many previous swaps, or even a combination of both. It doesn't matter to me.
  • The LTCs should not be adult oriented. I mail them back more-or-less at random, and others in the swap may not be interested in adult-oriented LTCs. Some might even be kids.
  • I've never had LTCs delivered that required only 44 cents. When the envelopes are considered lumpy or thick, the post office likes to charge extra, and I've never had one arrive with a 44 cent stamp that didn't come postage due. So make sure you put plenty of postage on when you mail it! I don't really care if it arrives postage due to YOU, but I'd prefer not having it come postage due to me. =)
  • Please don't request that I not send your cards to certain people who already have them. Besides the fact that I'm just not that organized, I feel it is perfectly acceptable for someone to end up with more than one of the same card. They are Letterboxer Trading Cards, after all—if someone has extras, it just gives them something new to trade. Such requests are routinely ignored, and the cards will go out more-or-less randomly.
  • A big thank you to those who mail LTCs in regular envelopes. Those padded envelopes often don't fit in my PO box, which requires me to go back when the post office is open to retrieve from behind the counter. And the non-padded envelopes are a lot easier to process when I don't have to scrape off old address labels, stamps, and such. There's no requirement that you can't use padded envelopes that are reused over and over again, but I'm very appreciative of those who keep it simple and just use a regular, non-reuseable envelope. And I absolutely love those envelopes don't require licking to close—I don't even have to mess with any tape of my own to send those back!
  • It seems that some people do not have a clear understanding about what counts as a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). It is an envelope. It has your address on the front. And there is postage on it. All three pieces must be included for it to count as a self-addressed stamped envelope. If your contribution is missing any of these pieces, your LTCs will be distributed to the other participants who did include the SASE and nothing will go back to you.


  1. Guzzelin' GalProfileContactLogbookNote
  2. TATTOOED VIKINGProfileContactLogbookNote
  3. ChedvaProfileContactLogbookNote
  4. ElProfileContactLogbookNote
  5. Music ChickProfileContactLogbookNote
  6. CW Sun SeekerProfileContactLogbookNote
  7. EnergyStarProfileContactLogbookNote
  8. TheseCrazyKidsProfileContactLogbookNote
  9. jad_juniperProfileContactLogbookNote
  10. The Boxing BsProfileContactLogbookNote
  11. Spoiled RottenProfileContactLogbookNote
  12. lonnewsomProfileContactLogbookNote
  13. EverAfter83ProfileContactLogbookNote
  14. Sassy SailorProfileContactLogbookNote
  15. RIclimberProfileContactLogbookNote
  16. Oberon_KenobiProfileContactLogbookNote
  17. Flutterwing2009ProfileContactLogbookNote
  18. twofreetimersProfileContactLogbookNote
  19. SouthpawProfileContactLogbookNote
  20. Arf!ProfileContactLogbookNote
  21. Red Paisley QuilterProfileContactLogbookNote
  22. Pixie and the SpritesProfileContactLogbookNote
  23. Dream of HipposProfileContactLogbookNote
  24. felixpezgirlProfileContactLogbookNote
  25. Basselope HunterProfileContactLogbookNote
  26. Crazy 8'zProfileContactLogbookNote
  27. twanda70ProfileContactLogbookNote