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Atlas Quest
Tracker #7283

Secret Stamp Santa II  

Other Tracker
ListedOctober 6, 2013
ModifiedNovember 30, 2013
StartsDecember 1, 2013Send by
OwnerTrekkie GalProfileContactLogbookNote
Max Signupsunlimited


Here's how it works:

1. Sign up on this tracker by November 15th.

2. Send me (Trekkie Gal) your address via AQ mail right after you sign up on the tracker. That will save me from having to send multiple reminders later.

3. Carve a stamp:
-a. It should be no larger than 2 inches by 2 inches.
-b. The image does NOT have to be holiday/Christmas themed (and it's probably better if it is not).
-c. The image should be G-rated/kid-friendly.
-d. The stamp should not be mounted on foam, wood, etc. (The person receiving the stamp can do that if they want.)

4. Around November 29th, I will send each person the name and address of the person you should send your stamp to. I'll choose the recipients randomly by pulling names out of a Santa hat. However, I'll try not to have you send to someone who lives less than 50 miles from you (or in the same house!). :)

5. Mail your stamp the first week of December (and no later than Monday, December 9th) so that it will be received before Christmas. It's up to you how you package it, just as long as the stamp doesn't get damaged in transit.
-a. Be sure to include your trail name on or in the package so that the receiver knows who to thank. I had a couple of people AQ mail me last year to ask who had sent their stamp because there was no name! :)

6. Once you receive a stamp, you are free to use it as you like. It would be great if you list the carver on any future AQ listing. :)

AQ mail me with questions, comments, suggestions or just to say hi. Thanks!


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