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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Tracker #6168

Ship of Fools - Raffle Donations!  

Other Tracker
ListedFebruary 2, 2012
ModifiedFebruary 3, 2012
StartsJuly 1, 2012Receive by
OwnerThe Merry PrankstersProfileContactLogbookNote
Max Signupsunlimited


Please sign-up here if you can make a raffle donation for our "Ship of Fools" event in July. List your contribution as an "Other" box, then add it to this tracker. We appreciate anything that you are willing to send. This year, HarmonyMA will be collecting and organizing your contributions. You can send donations in advance or drop off items when you arrive. Contact Nancy directly if you need her mailing address information. Send her an AQ message if you'll be bringing additions. Either way, sign up here first so we'll know what to expect. We really appreciate support!

THANKS - Have a Grateful Day!!! ;o)

The Grateful Letterboxers


  1. HarmonyMAProfileContactLogbookNote
  2. The Merry PrankstersProfileContactLogbookNote
  3. Guzzelin' GalProfileContactLogbookNote
  4. BfloAnonChickProfileContactLogbookNote
  5. Squirrel NutkinProfileContactLogbookNote
  6. muddy pawsProfileContactLogbookNote
  7. FORAYCHProfileContactLogbookNote
  8. RocklunProfileContactLogbookNote
  9. Celtic RootsProfileContactLogbookNote
  10. SahalieProfileContactLogbookNote
  11. Komodo JazzProfileContactLogbookNote
  12. 2 Irish ChicksProfileContactLogbookNote
  13. Gargoyle GirlProfileContactLogbookNote
  14. tiggermamaProfileContactLogbookNote
  15. Mosaic ButterflyProfileContactLogbookNote
  16. ChoiProfileContactLogbookNote
  17. Lundy and VicksterProfileContactLogbookNote
  18. More Great FunProfileContactLogbookNote
  19. NeetProfileContactLogbookNote
  20. zess the treehuggersProfileContactLogbookNote
  21. deniserowsProfileContactLogbookNote
  22. Arf!ProfileContactLogbookNote
  23. SeaFleaProfileContactLogbookNote
  24. graywolfProfileContactLogbookNote
  25. MMACJProfileContactLogbookNote
  26. snowbirdProfileContactLogbookNote
  27. Team ChibiProfileContactLogbookNote
  28. Open SpaceProfileContactLogbookNote
  29. Solo-wandererProfileContactLogbookNote