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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #5929

College Park Pyramids Letterbox Hand-carvedWalkDogBike

Estabrook Park, 4400 Estabrook Pkwy, Milwaukee, WI
PlantedApril 29, 2005
ModifiedDecember 26, 2009
Plantersthe dragon_wiProfileContactLogbookNote
Ownerthe dragon_wiProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationEstabrook Park, 4400 Estabrook Pkwy, Milwaukee, WI
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
ArtdogProfileContactLogbookNoteactiveMar 13, 2021ffffffxfffgood

Box Comments

shooting starzProfileContactLogbookNote
So Happy to find this one- in excellent shape too! Great carve and nice hike!
Guinea PigsProfileContactLogbookNote
I was wondering how I'd know which tree looked scarier than the other trees. When I saw it, I knew immediately, ha.
Atomic BeansProfileContactLogbookNote
tried it, but either we are in the wrong place or things have changed
Happy NinjasProfileContactLogbookNote
Couldn't find this letterbox. Not sure, but the clues seemed a bit off. The sign that was mentioned to find in the beginning didn't seem to be there. There were many signs posted, but none had a zipcode listed on it AND there were several phone numbers listed on the anglers sign... didn't know which one to use. We still hiked in, though, and tried to find it without the zipcode and phone number. We tried and tried. Spent many hours there but could not find it. . It was a great park, though, and we thoroughly enjoyed hiking it, even though we didn't find the box.
The CuddlefishProfileContactLogbookNote
first find! great location!
THis was a nice walk even though chilly (and muddy!) in Fevruary. We were all surprised at finding a place like this so close to the city!