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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #248858

Things You Find in DSF: Scat Hand-carvedStrollSnowflakeCompass

Douglas, MA
PlantedDecember 19, 2014
ModifiedDecember 26, 2014
LocationDouglas, MA
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
MothProfileContactLogbookNoteactiveMar 26, 2017fffffffffffffaverage

Box Comments

The LithuanianProfileContactLogbookNote
We had trouble with this one. We found a grove but all the trees looked pretty similar to us so we didn't know which one was considered the biggest. We searched near the wall, then moved to next grove which also had walls and the next grove which also had walls. I wonder if it is still in the tree or maybe fell off at some point. I will have to try again sometime.
west dover quidditch teamProfileContactLogbookNote
happier finding it in a tree than where I usually doo-doo!
Re-hung the box with a shoelace, which will hopefully be stronger than the floral wire that I used previously.
Travel'n TurtleProfileContactLogbookNote
Bungalow BoxerProfileContactLogbookNote
Box on the ground. Put it back on a branch but don't know if it will stay.
BetsyatThe SummitProfileContactLogbookNote
This was on the ground several feet away from any of the trees. I guessed at the correct tree and wedged it between branches next to the trunk about eye level. Cute stamp!
The kids thought this was a very funny carve.
Your 'poo' don't stink!
Wow that was quite a search, so many trees. A Noxer will never find this one. Stamp is fine but rope on container is broken and not enough left to make a knot. I left it on ground where I found it.
Mosaic ButterflyProfileContactLogbookNote
Don't mind finding it as long as it isn't on the bottom of my shoe.