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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #247907

Hello Texas Hand-carvedIndoorsSnowflakeUrbanPlanters Choice

Galveston Visitor Center, 2228 Mechanic St, Galveston, TX
PlantedNovember 17, 2014
ModifiedMarch 21, 2022
PlantersJolly MonProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerJolly MonProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationGalveston Visitor Center, 2228 Mechanic St, Galveston, TX
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
Jolly MonProfileContactLogbookNoteactiveMar 15, 2024ffffxxffffgood

Box Comments

Taran WandererProfileContactLogbookNote
Nice clean carve!
The ladies weren't familiar but thankfully they kept looking and found it! My first box found in Texas!
The person working the desk didn’t know what I was talking about at first so I had to explain and then all the sudden they were like oh, I think I know what you’re talking about. They went to a drawer and pulled out a container and ask is this what you’re looking for. And I said yes it is. Thank you very much.
Thanks for bringing us in to the visitor center today! Box is doing well!
Visitor center was closed. I checked the times and was there when they were supposed to be open. Enjoyed Galveston.
Jolly MonProfileContactLogbookNote
This box has moved to the new Visitors Center and is Active again, thanks to BuncoQueen.
Visitor center has moved to 2228 Mechanic St. ...BUT unfortunately the staff and even their boss whom she contacted didn't know about the box. They are eager to learn though.
Great find. I haven’t been in Galveston in over 15 years. I brought my son and husband here for the first time. They loved it too! Thank you for planting and the staff was excellent!
Amico and NapaProfileContactLogbookNote
Nice carve! Thanks for planting. So crazy just asking for the box but they were super nice.
Bear The Science KidProfileContactLogbookNote
Very Friendly Staff! Cool carve as well.