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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #242357

Interstate restarea series # 12 A+ Store-boughtDrive-byDogPlanters Choice

I-64 West Nancy Hanks Rest Area MM 58, Dale, IN
PlantedMay 20, 2016
ModifiedJune 4, 2020
Planterswalking manProfileContactLogbookNote
Ownerwalking manProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationI-64 West Nancy Hanks Rest Area MM 58, Dale, IN
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
walking manProfileContactLogbookNoteunknownAug 20, 2016Strikeoutxffxxxchallenging

Box Comments

MO UR4MeProfileContactLogbookNote
I think the tree trunks have gradually grown together more because there is no way that anything would stay in there now. Even a pouch would fall out with a strong wind. However if someone is driving by this rest stop and wants to leave something behind on the completely opposite end at the edge of a field is a very nice multi-turned tree. Hint hint...
Good clues but the box is missing
flat tireProfileContactLogbookNote
I looked all over with no luck.
The ants love this box :/