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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #238582

Korppi Hand-carvedStrollDog

Kaarina, Southwest Finland, Finland
PlantedMay 24, 2014
ModifiedMarch 21, 2015
Fostered byFoster me!
Keywordshistorical naturetrail
LocationKaarina, Southwest Finland, Finland
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
lepaggothProfileContactLogbookNoteactiveJun 16, 2019xfffaverage

Box Comments

Box is re-made and replaced, clue fixed and everything should be ok now!
The box has gone missing.
Micro size box fitted quite well nearby rocky surroundings. So well that we could not find it even searched around the "Smokey Mountain" scenery approx. 3 hours. The clue is probably too simple for us... :) Saw some animals too, as a fox and a viper and one pretty swetty orienteer running upwards the cliff like some kind two legged Alpine ibex. :)
This particular log just ads the statistics record to attempted. As we obviously searched at the right spot and most probably "dug" from right hiding place as well. :)
So very happy to find and stamp this one at last. :) The clue was accurate enough to keep the search in reasonable area.

We ziplocked everything in separated bags, just for the case the next find is far in future. ;)

Checked the first ravens nesting site again as well.., but there was still no sign of nothing, just empty holes, not even worms in. :)