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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #216384

The Eagle Has Landed Hand-carvedStrollSnowflakeDog

Hanlon Creek Trail, 136 Ptarmigan Dr, Guelph, ON
PlantedMarch 22, 2013
ModifiedJune 13, 2023
PlantersLone RProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerLone RProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationHanlon Creek Trail, 136 Ptarmigan Dr, Guelph, ON
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNoteretiredOct 18, 2013ffffimpossible

Box Comments

Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
In great shape.
No StyleProfileContactLogbookNote
You always take us out to the most beautiful spots. No exceptions here.
What a little cutie!

A fantastic clue - I got to the location and had a brain freeze moment when I initially couldn't find it.

Great hide - you're certainly raising the bar on that one... don't want to spoil anything here by saying more, but letterboxers take note!

The location was great; I think I've been down in this area for a number of your boxes and it's a great experience each time. I came down in the morning before meeting up with another boxer and it was nice and silent with the bubbling sounds of the creek nearby... fairly idyllic.

The carve is a fantastic addition to my log. This was perfect box to break my letterboxing fast! Thanks, Lone R!
Star HexenProfileContactLogbookNote
This was hidden in a lovely storybook-esque part of the forest. And I have to say I love your creative little "houses", Lone R!
When I saw this listing, I thought I might be visiting an old friend of a stamp, but I was pleasantly surprised to find a completely different package. Final presentation was fantastic.

We enjoyed our winter walk in the woods and continued on for another half an hour after finding your box. Gorgeous.