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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #211854

The Signer Hand-carvedDrive-byCompass

Washington Cemetery Rd, Washington, TX
PlantedDecember 17, 2012
ModifiedDecember 17, 2012
PlantersMosaic ButterflyProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerMosaic ButterflyProfileContactLogbookNote
Keywordshistorical cemetery
LocationWashington Cemetery Rd, Washington, TX
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
Mosaic ButterflyProfileContactLogbookNoteactiveApr 4, 2021ffffffffffffgood

Box Comments

Baby BearProfileContactLogbookNote
Unable to access
Lost in thoughtProfileContactLogbookNote
Great carve!
a fine carve. Thanks.
Sad the cemetery is in such bad shape.
Thank you for the plant
I came out to the park today to find a Terracache, a couple of Geocaches and a couple of Letterboxes. My son captured my virtual Munzee, so it was a good day. It's an excellent day for walking the trails and just a few park visitors to worry with. I even talked my parents into coming out today. I renewed my State Parks Pass and picked up another Pathtag. Great day!

Great carves! It's the first time I've found boxes with no logs.
Found on our way to Washington-on-the Brazos. Great day for scavenger hunts. Great carves at these two in this cemetery. These are the first I've ever come across with no logs.
Found with my Mom