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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #196936

Carolina Coin Connection Hand-carvedDogBikePlanters ChoiceFirst-aid

Sligo Creek Trail, Silver Spring, MD
PlantedMay 10, 2012
ModifiedJune 23, 2012
PlantersFife ClubProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerFife ClubProfileContactLogbookNote
Fostered byFoster me!
LocationSligo Creek Trail, Silver Spring, MD
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
Fife ClubProfileContactLogbookNoteunknownSep 16, 2015ffffffffffffffxaverage

Box Comments

Box not found in the obvious stump. Looks like kids have been playing in the area.
DC StonesProfileContactLogbookNote
Log book is wet, but stamp is in great shape. Wonderfully done HIPS.
Nice... not where I thought it was.
Enjoyed the stamp (being from N Carolina).
Really clever hiding spot! It took us a few tries.
I found this very nicely done letterbox today while geocaching. I took an impression by rubbing snow on the stamp. I dried it before returning it to the hide location. Thanks for the fun and the very nice stamp.
Cool hiding place. The kids loved the stamp placement!

thanks! rainbowchasers
logbook still soaked and you can hardly write on it.
The logbook strips are really damp. Could not sign in. Very clever and incredibly easy to me this was my 3rd attempt at finding this hide and I'm so glad I finally got it. I put the container back in place the lid is not resting on the ground. Maybe if the logbook is replaced the next one will stay dry?
By far my favorite hiding spot to date!
The log was damp. I think it should be put back in its hiding place in such a way that it will sit on the ground right-side-up rather than with the lid against the earth (how I found it). Something for future boxers to think about. Thanks for the stamp!