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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #193047

Got Bait? Hand-carvedDrive-by

Georgetown, GA
PlantedMarch 17, 2012
ModifiedFebruary 23, 2016
LocationGeorgetown, GA
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
KirbertProfileContactLogbookNoteretiredFeb 23, 2016fxfimpossible

Box Comments

Checked on this box today. It was there and in excellent condition! However, it had been sucked down in the hollow tree so far that it was difficult to retrieve and impossible to see. I decided to go ahead and retire it, partly due to the poor hiding place, partly because it wasn't popular anyway, but chiefly because there's a nice new trail nearby that should provide a vastly better letterboxing experience! I hope to plant on that trail tomorrow, but it looks like the weather won't be cooperative so it might have to wait for my next trip up this way.