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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #191808

Hogwarts Leavesden Museum Hand-carvedDrive-byUrban

Watford Junction, England, United Kingdom
PlantedApril 3, 2012
ModifiedJuly 11, 2019
LocationWatford Junction, England, United Kingdom
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
FORAYCHProfileContactLogbookNoteretiredDec 30, 2012Strikeoutfffxxximpossible

Box Comments

Tea SpriteProfileContactLogbookNote
It seems as if the area was relandscaped outside the restaurant/pub. 😞
Felt like we were in the right area, but unable to find it.
What a wonderful carve! We stealthily found your box while waiting for our bus to the Harry Potter tour. The wind was absolutely howling, fluttering all our papers and books about and it felt like it was well below 0, but it was definitely worth braving the elements! Our family was on a trip to the UK from Philadelphia, and we have your lovely stamp in our books to remind us of our excellent trip!
Amazing stamp, lots for details. We found it just after our visit to the Harry Potter studio tour.
Beautiful carve! I was at my stealthiest as it was indeed a muggle-coated area. I loitered by the spot in a make believe mobile phone call while I pulled it out and put it back behind me keeping constant surveillance. Will look for more of your carves!!