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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #189668

OPAL 2012 Coffee in the Library Hand-carvedIndoorsSnowflakeUrban

University Of Guelph Library Parking P44, Guelph, ON
PlantedJanuary 2, 2012
ModifiedApril 15, 2015
PlantersLone RProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerLone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Keywordslibrary, university
LocationUniversity Of Guelph Library Parking P44, Guelph, ON
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNoteretiredMar 19, 2016ffffffimpossible

Box Comments

Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
My apologies for not setting this to retired earlier. I forgot that the clues involve an old virtual letterbox. Virtuals are no longer available, this letterbox can no longer be solved as is. The stamp has been retrieved from the library and is no longer available.
Bon EchoProfileContactLogbookNote
I was a student when they installed the first coffee cart, I think there was one before it was a Williams. It was a nice change, I didn't need to sneak my coffee in with me any more. Lots of layout changes on the main floor but the rest of the building seems the way it was 10 years ago. Great stamp! Thanks.
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
All stamps in the library are alive and well.
Awesome hide and carve, and loved the extra!
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Alive and well.
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Back in the stacks. But now it's a stamp-only letterbox. No logbook.
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
Taking it home to freshen up the packaging. Should be back in place by the weekend.
Great find and loved the bonus hunt as well!
Mmmm... Coffee. When I went to school here, I can remember being chased out for having coffee in the library. But it's so essential to learning!
We loved the detail on the outer casing. We got some looks from library goers, but we made sure to hide what we were doing. In all the times we`ve done research here, I`m sure we have made bigger spectacles of ourselves than by stamping. The stamp was well carved and made a great impression.