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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #176138

Alaska: Land of the Midnight Sun Hand-carvedStrollSnowflakeDogBikeUrban

Juneau, AK
PlantedJuly 10, 2011
ModifiedJune 13, 2019
LocationJuneau, AK
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
lionsmaneProfileContactLogbookNoteretiredSep 16, 2016Strikeoutffffffffffffxxximpossible

Box Comments

DM Scuba BratProfileContactLogbookNote
Quick grab. Thanks!
B and J PuggleParentsProfileContactLogbookNote
Got rained on, but it was worth it! We were hoping to find at least 1 LB at each port and this was our Juneau!
The Mole PeopleProfileContactLogbookNote
Fun find from the cruise ship!
grayhounds and kittiesProfileContactLogbookNote
Easy find. We added a new book since yours was almost full!
Flash GordonProfileContactLogbookNote
all is well. my wife's #900.
Beautiful lettering
Brown CowProfileContactLogbookNote
Great plant, thanks.
Blue Butterfly 46ProfileContactLogbookNote
Loved the stamp. Great clues. Easy to find off a cruise ship. There was a hitchhiker in it that was quite wet. We sealed it up the best we could.
Found it and covered it's retrieval/replanting by pretending to do silly pictures of rock climbing by angling out the other wall, other tourists thought it was a hoot and didn'a have a clue!