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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #172859

Music Garden Hand-carvedDogBikeUrban

Toronto Music Garden, 475 Queens Quay W, Toronto, ON
PlantedJune 3, 2011
ModifiedJune 3, 2011
LocationToronto Music Garden, 475 Queens Quay W, Toronto, ON
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
tapeheadsProfileContactLogbookNoteunknownAug 11, 2012Strikeoutxffffffffxxxchallenging

Box Comments

Didn't notice box was reported missing until I was at the spot. Even without box enjoyed the park. Want to go back and get the audio tour.
a couple of people have mentioned it might be missing. I will check on it in a couple of weeks and replant if necessary.
I had the area to myself on a cold day and looked EVERYWHERE in the tree listed in the clue but came up empty
Donna TimeProfileContactLogbookNote
I didn't get to explore the whole Music Garden, since there was a wedding going on in a lot of it, but I liked what I saw!

A hint for future searchers: make sure you are ALONE in the fourth movement. With the hanging method of hiding, there is no way to remove or replace this box discretely.
Fantastic letterbox, tapeheads! I had a lovely - hot - day down in Toronto, and got to watch a couple of birds fight over the drinking hole at the penultimate part of this clue. Thanks for the great letterbox!
This was my very first Letterbox!
Star HexenProfileContactLogbookNote
We had an argument over whether this was meant to be Beethoven or Mozart until we realized the suite was actually composed by Bach.... Anyhow, this was a lovely way to cap off our afternoon's walk!
Lovely spot, even with a winter visit!
Fish Below The IceProfileContactLogbookNote
Always nice and peaceful here.