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Atlas Quest
Box #170734

Brooks Hatlen Was Here Hand-carvedMysteryDog

Plantersdingus dufusProfileContactLogbookNote
Ownerdingus dufusProfileContactLogbookNote
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
dingus dufusProfileContactLogbookNoteactiveJun 11, 2020ffffffffxffffffaverage

Box Comments

Brooks is right where he 'oughta be.
Buggylou was there too! Thanks for the meetup.
andy and brooks were such good friends to each other. as much as one can be anyway while in a prison. so nice to see that red knew where he went.
That was fun!
And yet another clever little addition.
This box appears to be missing. I believe we found the right spot.
Found your perch, but looks like you might have fallen in the river after all.
Perfect perch!
Dear Brooks,
I understand how hard it is to adjust to things. We visited your lookout today and all is well. If you are using that rope to keep you from falling while you sleep at night, be careful as the other end ain't tied to nothing and you might roll into the PI while you sleep.
Hope to see you soon.
So glad that there were two of us to figure this one out! Be careful...there is a little poison ivy plant just as you reach for the box as you may not notice it in all the excitement of finally figuring this out! Awesome mystery!