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Atlas Quest
Box #170701

The Shawshin Redemption Hand-carvedMysteryDogBox of the Week

Plantersdingus dufusProfileContactLogbookNote
Ownerdingus dufusProfileContactLogbookNote
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
dingus dufusProfileContactLogbookNoteactiveAug 7, 2021fffffffffffffffgood

Box Comments

A bit of a challenge on a hot day like today but worth the journey.
One of the greatest films ever made - thanks for giving it the attention it deserves. What a spot!
ALWAYS nice to have a Dingus mystery in my logbook.
One of my favorite movies ever.
Cool to have found this . Thanks!
finally found this! well worth the trips.
Andy, that's some cranny... it was an adventure reaching it. I cleared away a pile of leaves which had been completely obscuring the black stone.

Thank you for bringing me to this special spot.
Awesome. Everything about this one is awesome.
Fantastic clues and matching location. You're the master!
I really loved the movie. Now I want to watch it again! This was the perfect location too!