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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #161345

The Archer series: (5) Hand-carvedWalkDogPlanters Choice

Madison County Nature Trail, 5000 Nature Trail Rd SE, Huntsville, AL
PlantedNovember 22, 2010
ModifiedDecember 12, 2021
PlantersKnotty LadyProfileContactLogbookNote
Keywordscitypark naturetrail picnic restrooms
LocationMadison County Nature Trail, 5000 Nature Trail Rd SE, Huntsville, AL
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by ST-RangerProfileContactLogbookNote
activeJan 14, 2023fffffxfFffgood
by ST-RangerProfileContactLogbookNote
activeJan 14, 2023fffffffFffgood
by ST-RangerProfileContactLogbookNote
activeJan 14, 2023fffffffFffgood
by ST-RangerProfileContactLogbookNote
activeJan 14, 2023fffffffFffgood
by ST-RangerProfileContactLogbookNote
activeJan 14, 2023fffffffFffgood

Box Comments

The Archer was soaked.

Logbook was damp.

Excellent series!
Los EnamoradosProfileContactLogbookNote
We enjoyed this hike.
Found them all!
We left a HH
They have been doing some trail work and updates in the park. All of the boxes are there and in pretty good shape. Some of them are damp but only one box has a logbook and that one is doing well. We have adjusted a coule of the clues to match the changes on the trail.
We had a DNF report on the BOW so we stopped by this one today and found some things have changed around the chapel and we needed to update the clue for that one. Should be good to go now.
Nice walking trail. The first box eluded me but found the rest.
This was a fun one! A great place to hike and everyone had a good time.
Heavy leaf fall made the last two difficult to see and our own hungry tummies. Hope to come back during another visit to this beautiful place to find the last two!!
Loved this stroll in the woods with a themed series. What an interesting area.
Dr BeeProfileContactLogbookNote
I had this magical place to myself! This is what I live best about letterboxing... Being lead to such beautiful places I would otherwise likely miss. I enjoyed it so much I ran out of time before I found all 5 boxes!
Hoptown ExplorersProfileContactLogbookNote
All of the boxes are in good condition. A nice series and a great hike!