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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #157645

College Days (3) Hand-carvedStrollDogPlanters Choice

Plantation Equestrian Center, 1451 NW 118th Ave, Plantation, FL
PlantedOctober 9, 2010
ModifiedMarch 8, 2021
PlantersOtolith CrisisProfileContactLogbookNote
Skye BoatProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerOtolith CrisisProfileContactLogbookNote
Fostered byFoster me!
LocationPlantation Equestrian Center, 1451 NW 118th Ave, Plantation, FL
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by Otolith CrisisProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredMay 9, 2011Strikeoutffffffxxxxxxxxximpossible
by Otolith CrisisProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredDec 27, 2013Strikeoutffffffffffffxxximpossible
3.Buff and Blue
by Otolith CrisisProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredJan 21, 2013Strikeoutffffffxfxfxxxxximpossible
Tracker Memberships
16thDog Scouts Troop 157
TJDog Scouts Troop 157
Buff and BlueDog Scouts Troop 157

Box Comments

WE attempted all 3 despite reports that #16 was missing. Sadly couldn't find any of them....
Wasn't able to find 16th or Buff and Blue. Found TJ after a good search. The log book was soaked and mildewed. Ruined. Not able to be stamped. The stamp was great. The bushes are wicked sharp and itchy. Wear long sleeves and bring your gloves and patience. The 3rd stamp may be still there but area is very overgrown with the bushes. Couldn't find it.
dragon master21ProfileContactLogbookNote
Samp was cool
DM Scuba BratProfileContactLogbookNote
Looked briefly for 16th, but didn't find it. Didn't expect to.

Found TJ. Totally worth cutting my toe and scratching my arm for. Should be a blue diamond. Just sayin'.

But, we couldn't find Buff and Blue. And I want to find it, dangit. I'll go back with a picker, gloves, and a better stick to dig through those bushes.
We found two and three easily. Neither one seals and the book on two is damp and the book on three is SOAKED...

Very nice carves! I guessed where you went to college on number two and my guess was confirmed with number three :)
Monkey CProfileContactLogbookNote
Found TJ with a hh. Didn't find the others but also didn't have gloves with me to look better.
very difficult to find. lots of undergrowth.
Nice carved! The area is beautiful.
Lovely park and nice carves. Though I do HIGHLY recommend bringing gloves because digging through the sawgrass bushes can be quite hard on your hands.
Joyous JuneProfileContactLogbookNote
This series was my first letterbox find, however, digging through sawgrass bushes would have been much worse if I didn't bring along garden gloves!