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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #150582

Letterbox Near a Postbox Hand-carvedStrollDogUrban

Navy St & Front St, Oakville, ON
PlantedJuly 23, 2010
ModifiedNovember 17, 2015
LocationNavy St & Front St, Oakville, ON
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
BumbleProfileContactLogbookNoteretiredNov 17, 2013ffxffffffffffxximpossible

Box Comments

Bon EchoProfileContactLogbookNote
We found the fence and posts and a number of promising looking rocks, but no box. nice location, we will return again when the museum buildings are open.
Fantastic Miss FoxProfileContactLogbookNote
What a neat spot! Never would have thought this was here, this is what I love about letterboxing :)
Bright Light RNProfileContactLogbookNote
Cute little place that I would have otherwise missed!
The RoadtrippersProfileContactLogbookNote
The log book here is full.. Bumble and you restock?
Grumpy FrogProfileContactLogbookNote
An easy find today....good to do with small children or when you don't have time or energy for a long hike.
Lookin' good!
I really like the stamp. The post office museum was closed, but we've decided to go back next weekend when it's open. Thanks for leading us there.

BTW, there's only a few pages left in the log book.
Lucky CatsProfileContactLogbookNote
BUSY park! A couple sat on the nearby bench for a REALLY LONG TIME! But I enjoyed the water, the geese and the sailboats while I waited for them to move their date elsewhere. Thanks for the hide.
What a charming spot! If you have the time, walk the streets a bit to see the old ship builder's and carpenter's houses. Absolutely rich with history.

In our search for an empty parking spot, we ended up a stone's throw from the post office. There were many people about, but with walnuts the size of baseballs littering the ground, it was easy for Earth Diver to create a distraction as she hunted for the biggest nut she could find.

Stamp inked up beautifully - very crisp.
Great box in great condition. You can sit on the steps of the old post office now.