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Atlas Quest
Box #144684

Scurtle Hand-carvedHikeMysteryCompass

Washington County, WI
PlantersSunny Side UpProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerSunny Side UpProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationWashington County, WI
AddendumScurtle has been replaced! He’s in the exact same spot as before, but the V-tree is now a single, so here is a revised clue. “From the erratic, take twenty steps to a large tree on the right and a small side trail on the left. From that intersection, take thirty steps at one hundred seventy degrees (passing an obvious geocache about halfway there) to find Scurtle’s peaceful, quiet home.”
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
Sunny Side UpProfileContactLogbookNoteactiveJul 22, 2023fffgood

Box Comments

Scurtle has been replaced! He’s in the exact same spot as before, but the V-tree is now a single, so here is a revised clue. “From the erratic, take twenty steps to a large tree on the right and a small side trail on the left. From that intersection, take thirty steps at one hundred seventy degrees (passing an obvious geocache about halfway there) to find Scurtle’s peaceful, quiet home.”
Scurtle's LB is getting some much needed TLC after apparently being partially ani-muggled. Thank you to TJ Mich for rescuing Scurtle!