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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #138632

The Lunchbox Hand-carvedStrollDogBikePlanters ChoiceBlue Diamond

Pt Defiance Park, Tacoma, WA
PlantedFebruary 16, 2010
ModifiedMarch 12, 2011
Plantersginger mustangProfileContactLogbookNote
Ownerginger mustangProfileContactLogbookNote
Fostered byFoster me!
LocationPt Defiance Park, Tacoma, WA
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
ginger mustangProfileContactLogbookNoteunknownDec 24, 2016fxfffffffxaverage

Box Comments

I am putting high-confidence on this attempt because, frankly, unless you planted this box and knew exactly where it was, there is no way to follow the clues to its location. The area has changed here substantially over the years. We identified the rock and woodpecker tree, then the cedar with electrical box(es). We even wandered around enough to find the 'pretty moss-covered stones' path, and followed the length of what is left. But, alas, any and all nurse logs have long-since deteriorated and there are many cut-off trees (although we never found one that matched the 'facing you' criteria). We gave it a thorough try, as we would have loved to find it!
lost sailorProfileContactLogbookNote
I consider myself lucky and walked right to it! Good thing I arrived hungry😋
Teretina CesearcProfileContactLogbookNote
Was a little difficult to find (nature has a way of rearranging things in there a lot). There are some moss stones, but it might have been what we'd seen after passing where the box was. Still found it after looking for the description of its whereabouts.

Sorry that I forgot to carve food for your lunch!
This was our last find for the day. The moss covered stones are missing. Neat idea!
This was our favorite letterbox yet! 5/5 ... thanks for such a fun experience! You gave us a great idea for a box we would like to plant when we move out of state.

We left an artichoke behind, so there's more food to be had in the lunchbox.

I think the moss-covered rocks may have been removed, but we took a guess as to where they used to be and it worked out for us. We have one eagle-eye kid in our group who finally found it, but we're not sure if the cherry branch is still there, or else we were totally dense about what that meant. :D

The letterbox is still pretty dry, but rust looks like it may start eating through the plastic bags soon. If I remember correctly, the logbook bag is torn, but the outer bag was still sealed so it was dry.
Wow!!! Just wow!!! Amazing hiding spot!!! Great idea!!
The Balcom ClanProfileContactLogbookNote
We hunted and Dug for nearly 15 minutes. All we found were a lot of beer bottles.
Domino RexProfileContactLogbookNote
Nice hide. Hot Dog was M.I.A. ...must have been eaten by a hungry LB-er. Clues spot-on! Thanks.

- Domino Rex and fortune's Dame
Open SpaceProfileContactLogbookNote
Great hiding spot, we almost missed it.
The Wheelers Have LandedProfileContactLogbookNote
Duh! We were right on top of it last time we tried for this one. It was pretty soggy inside.