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Atlas Quest
Box #133381

Beechcraft G58 Baron Hand-carvedDrive-byUrbanWheelchair

Evergreen Regional Airport, AL-12, Evergreen, AL
PlantedNovember 27, 2009
ModifiedOctober 17, 2017
LocationEvergreen Regional Airport, AL-12, Evergreen, AL
CarversStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by KirbertunknownAug 15, 2015ffffffffxxchallenging

Box Comments

Brown CowProfileContactLogbookNote
I went back with a friend that had found it, and it was not there as far as we could tell.
Could not find this one. Nothing four feet in front of the Fury.....
Hiking VikingsProfileContactLogbookNote
It took us awhile, but we finally got this one. It was a real treat meeting and chatting with the Airport Manager. Make sure to stop in the office to meet Bill, if you have a little extra time.
So yes we did need to turn around and give it a second look. Yes the plans were doing touch and goes as we stood there and talk to a couple of guys playing basket ball. They did not seem like they were going to be going anywhere all too soon. So we asked them some questions about the plans and what goes on here at this airport. They did not seem to mind us going over to take a closer look at the two planes that were there and yes we did find what we were looking for, just not where we were thinking it would be, but all was good in the end.
Looked for it Thuesday during a very large storm, then came back today with sunshine and clear skies. Nice carve and a nice place to visit.
Awesome carve!
Polish BakerProfileContactLogbookNote
Enjoyed the find. Got to watch some Navy training pilots practice their landings and take-offs.
Got it this time. It sure helps to know what a Fury is.
Blue BunnyProfileContactLogbookNote
Great location!