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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #110815

Quotes: Peacemakers (3) Hand-carvedStroll

7727 Jared Way, Littleton, CO
PlantedApril 8, 2009
ModifiedOctober 10, 2016
PlantersTaiChi and ChaiTeaProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerTaiChi and ChaiTeaProfileContactLogbookNote
Location7727 Jared Way, Littleton, CO
NameStatus Last FoundFindability
by TaiChi and ChaiTeaProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredNov 9, 2011impossible
by TaiChi and ChaiTeaProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredNov 9, 2011impossible
by TaiChi and ChaiTeaProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredNov 9, 2011impossible

Box Comments

We searched for about an hour. We believe we found all 3 locations of where the pink rocks should be, but we were unable to locate even 1 pink rock. There were no bird houses at the first location. We weren't dressed right for scouring the second location, and the third location was vaugue with some recent construction that may have torn out the bush and rock all together. We may try again in the spring when there's less growth on the ground.
Looked for 45 minutes trying to find the first box. There are too many trail options and the clue isn't specific enough. Probably why this hasn't been found in 5 years.
Puppypaws and Trail BuddyProfileContactLogbookNote
thanks to God for pink rocks...
Amazing wildlife in the area, make time to hike for a while.
What a beautiful park!
Loved the challenge.
Mission MindedProfileContactLogbookNote
I really enjoyed these stamps! The bugs weren't out, and hardly anyone around. Definitely a place to bring spray!
Brother RavenProfileContactLogbookNote
Great series! Love the carves.
Mad Hikers2ProfileContactLogbookNote
Great job with the stamp and location as always. Plan to go back in the spring. Thanks
ltl birdProfileContactLogbookNote
Lovely carvings! Thanks for the messages of peace, too; great to share with my kid. The packets survived well & dry through the recent big snow!