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Atlas Quest
Box #104478

Alphabetical New Mexico: R (Roadrunner) Hand-carvedDrive-byMysteryDogCompassBikePuzzleBlue DiamondFirst-aid

New Mexico
LocationNew Mexico
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
lionsmaneProfileContactLogbookNoteactiveJan 23, 2019fffffffffffaverage

Box Comments

Yay!!!!!!!!! Finally found one of yours!!!!! I had already given up on it when I turned and noticed some rocks under a bush and thought to myself that's it...and it was!!! So the bush on the left is dead and just sticks and the bag can no longer hang so it is under the rocks at the base of the busg!!! I have lived in lc my whole life and never knew the roadrunner was there! It was an awesome find and an awesome site!!! Hope you all had a great time at the event yesterday.... I am sooooo beyond bummed we couldn't make it :(