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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Event #224

A Century From Cranmere Potluck

[575-599] N Burk St, Gilbert, AZ
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Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSat July 14, 2007 8:00am
EndsSat July 14, 2007 1:00pm
Location[575-599] N Burk St, Gilbert, AZ
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The Cake


July 22, 1907 was when the Cranmere Pool Letterbox became a letterbox as we know it, with a box, stamp, and logbook. After a century, though letterboxing has changed, grown, and mutated, the basic idea remains...a box with a stamp and logbook.

In honor of this century we intend to hide - for one day only - 100 letterboxes. Come and see how many you can find. There will be awards for the person locating the most boxes, and anyone who finds an entire series. There will be other surprises, too, and (hopefully) some cooties making the rounds.

After hiking in May at South Mountain Park and having everyone in the group undone by the heat, the location has been moved to a place with shade. It is on private property, and the exact address will be aqmailed to people who sign up. There will still be 100 boxes planted, but in deference to the area, clues wil be provided. For the pot luck please bring a side dish to share, and your own meat to throw on the grill.


  1. Romana
  2. Kristal and Ron (2)
  3. Heart Writer
  4. The Doctor (2)
  5. Astro D
  6. lionsmane
  7. Gadabout (3)
  8. AZJokester
  9. Saoirse (2)
  10. Warm Front (2)
  11. MickeyMouse (3)
  12. Mama & Bethany Butterfly
  13. ChilePepper (2)
  14. humngbrdwchr (2)
  15. TeamSz (4)
Total signups:28