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Atlas Quest
Box #95973

Lynx Light Rail Line Series: Center City Walking Tour (6) Hand-carvedHikeCompassUrbanWheelchairBlue Diamond

260 E 7th St, Charlotte, NC
PlantedOctober 26, 2008
ModifiedAugust 8, 2019
PlantersThe Wolf FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerThe Wolf FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
Keywordshistorical cemetery
Location260 E 7th St, Charlotte, NC
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
by The Wolf FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredOct 26, 2015Strikeoutfffffffffffxxxximpossible
2.Discovery Place
by The Wolf FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredSep 11, 2016ffxfxxffffffffximpossible
3.Thomas Polk
by The Wolf FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredMay 7, 2016Strikeoutfxfffffffffxxxximpossible
by The Wolf FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredJan 3, 2016Strikeoutfxffffffffffxxximpossible
5.Disco Chicken
by The Wolf FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredJul 11, 2017fffffffffffffffimpossible
6.Ministry of Silly Walks
by The Wolf FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredAug 7, 2016ffxximpossible

Box Comments

This is a great series to follow, it really helps you see Uptown CLT.
Gem's Diamond BabyProfileContactLogbookNote
Such a great walk downtown. It's a shame that most of the stamps are missing. However, if we had known, we would have found "Disco Chicken" and moved on to the other two recommended boxes. TFTF.
So excited to see that "Disco Chicken" is related to the UCSD "Sun God", one of my favorite's by Niki de Saint Phalle!
We had a great time walking around Charlotte!
It was CRAZY humid today, so we visited four of the five locations & only found two stamps - both in great condition. The heat kept us from going for the Bobcats.
These were my first three finds. Great directions and fantastic stamps.
We found them all but Imaginon, and had a blast watching people head towards today's Panthers game. Nice stamps!
Woo, what a great tour and fun urban series!

And... disco chicken!!
The Wolf FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
All missing boxes were replaced and clues were updated today.
Helms' Flying AdventureProfileContactLogbookNote
What a great stamp! Only problem is that now you need to carve a Hornets stamp to go with it - lol! Now that you've replaced the missing stamps, we'll have to go back and get those too. Thanks for a great series!
The Wolf FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
Bobcats and Disco Chicken are still alive and well.