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Atlas Quest
Box #256337

The King and I (2) Hand-carvedDrive-bySnowflakeCompass

Oneida Cemetery, Ontario Rd E & Knox Rd 2500 N, Oneida, IL
PlantedJuly 3, 2015
ModifiedJuly 3, 2015
LocationOneida Cemetery, Ontario Rd E & Knox Rd 2500 N, Oneida, IL
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
1.The Lion
by Trail RiderProfileContactLogbookNote
activeAug 30, 2015fffffxaverage
2.The Antelope
by Trail RiderProfileContactLogbookNote
activeAug 30, 2015fffffxaverage

Box Comments

Not only does the first box seem to be gone, but so are the bushes of the second box. There a fresh, green burn pile, though ~
Found both boxes easily. Lots of Swedes up this way.
Gypsy FiddlerProfileContactLogbookNote
Thanks for the nice stamps and adventure! When we were hunting box#2, we were hearing a very loud, clear "meow" that persisted for many minutes....then a bird flew out of there! We never heard a bird that meows before! LOL
Nice cemetery once I found it. Couldn't believe how many monuments there were with the same names. That city must be all in the family.