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Atlas Quest
Box #253242

Bartock II Hand-carvedStrollDogBike

Royal Botanic Gardens & The Domain, Mrs Macquaries Rd, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
PlantedApril 25, 2015
ModifiedApril 12, 2017
Public HandProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerPublic HandProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationRoyal Botanic Gardens & The Domain, Mrs Macquaries Rd, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
Public HandProfileContactLogbookNoteunknownJul 31, 2016Strikeoutffxfxxxchallenging

Box Comments

Birding GrannyProfileContactLogbookNote
Found the correct place and went behind the bench and looked under bushes, etc. but no box.
Plague DoctorProfileContactLogbookNote
I looked and looked - found the sign, the trees, everything. Could not find the box anywhere. There were a bunch of wrappers behind the bench, I'm wondering if someone was back there and found it...
There was MAJOR construction in the area, so we couldn't do it. Sad. Great clues!

We enjoyed the tour of the Garden, especially this VERY HOT day. Nice walking location from the Famous Opera House.
Chewton LadiesProfileContactLogbookNote
Great clues and stamp. Thanks.