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Atlas Quest
Box #251262

Dead End Series: Vacation Slideshow Hand-carvedDrive-bySnowflakeDogFee-area

Willapa National Wildlife Refuge, 3888 US-101, Ilwaco, WA
PlantedFebruary 28, 2015
ModifiedFebruary 28, 2015
PlantersMighty Oaks of BarlowProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerMighty Oaks of BarlowProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationWillapa National Wildlife Refuge, 3888 US-101, Ilwaco, WA
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
Mighty Oaks of BarlowProfileContactLogbookNoteunknownAug 11, 2020Strikeoutffffffffffffxxxchallenging

Box Comments

Found the spot but found nothing right off so I went to find a stick to do a poke and when I did I stepped on a ground bee nest and they came at me. Got one sting so I quit looking after than.
grayhounds and kittiesProfileContactLogbookNote
We found the right place but are pretty sure the box is now gone.
Public HandProfileContactLogbookNote
So happy to get this one!
Park ranger talking to people in the lot but a car blocked me and I grabbed it. All is well, thanks for planting.
Thank you
A beautiful place with a beautiful card! Thank you so much! Truly a very special dead end 💕 Hyde is in great shape! And someone even put in a new logbook in its own bag because the other one was slightly damp.
Whew! Glad I got to the right area :)
Miss Flip FlopProfileContactLogbookNote
Great spot
Did not find this, perhaps we were in the wrong parking lot!
storm riderProfileContactLogbookNote
This is a very clever hide. Should last a long time if everyone is careful.