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Atlas Quest
Box #172521

Games Geeks Play (11) Hand-carvedWalkBlue Diamond

Pulaski State Park & Recreational Area, 151 Pulaski Rd, Chepachet, RI
PlantedJune 17, 2011
ModifiedJune 25, 2011
LocationPulaski State Park & Recreational Area, 151 Pulaski Rd, Chepachet, RI
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
1.Game Wright Joker
by The Thompson WhangdoodlesProfileContactLogbookNote
activeAug 12, 2023fffffffxffgood
2.Rat-A-Tat Cat
by The Thompson WhangdoodlesProfileContactLogbookNote
activeAug 12, 2023ffffffffffgood
by MothProfileContactLogbookNote
activeAug 12, 2023ffffffffffgood
4.Magic the Gathering
by MMACJProfileContactLogbookNote
activeAug 25, 2019fffffffffxaverage
5.Sleeping Queens
by The Thompson WhangdoodlesProfileContactLogbookNote
activeOct 10, 2018Strikeoutfffffffxxxchallenging
6.Too Many Monkeys
by The Thompson WhangdoodlesProfileContactLogbookNote
activeSep 26, 2020fffffffffxaverage
7.Duck, Duck Bruce
by The Thompson WhangdoodlesProfileContactLogbookNote
activeAug 25, 2019ffffffffxxchallenging
8.Game Wright Logo
by The Thompson WhangdoodlesProfileContactLogbookNote
activeSep 26, 2020fffffffffxaverage
9.Dungeons and Dragons
by MMACJProfileContactLogbookNote
activeAug 12, 2023ffffffffffgood
10.Frog Juice
by The Thompson WhangdoodlesProfileContactLogbookNote
activeOct 10, 2018ffffffffxxchallenging
11.The Legend of Zelda
by MMACJProfileContactLogbookNote
activeAug 12, 2023ffffffffffgood

Box Comments

Didn't have it in me to find *Magic the Gathering* - path hasn't been travelled in quite some time and is overgrown

I believe I found the "v" for *Sleeping Queens*, but wasn't able to locate the rock

Couldn't figure out which maple tree was being referred to for *Too Many Monkeys* - found many maples, but none that had exposed roots

Found the 5-sister tree with bark and leaves, but *Duck, Duck Bruce* was nowhere to be found

Couldn't figure out which boulder was being referred to for *Game Wright Logo* - the uphill and bend directions were clear, but there were so many rocks along the way - I searched them (accidentally touched a snake during searching - YIKES), but wouldn't really call any of them boulders...

And lastly... *Frog Juice* - pretty sure I figured out the snag (although wouldn't say it's 6 feet, more like 4?) but couldn't find the box near the cracked bolder

Alas - only found 5 out of 11
Had a lovely little hike for the first three boxes before the weather started to get a little snow squall-ey. We decided to be safe and turn back for today. We look forward to coming back another day to continue the quest! Loved the first three carves, and everything was in great shape. Thanks for the plantings!
A beautiful trail made more so by the leaves changing! A few of the markers seem to be gone with time, but we were in a bit of a rush. You might be able to find them with more time and effort. The stamps we did find were in good condition and the carves were awesome.
Loved the series, the carves are great. Had a little trouble with Sleeping Queens, lots of overgrowth around where we thought the box was and Frog Juice we didn't see the snag. Hoping to go back and have another go at it. Loved the entire hike, thanks so much for planting.
Great series!!!!!!!!!!!!
These carvings are incredible!
FYI to boxers: #4: Magic the Gathering; The unmarked trail is currently littered with many small dead trees across the path. Push through for a great reward.
Excellent series on a beautiful day. Everything in great shape and all live and well. Thanks so much!
Daytrippers 54ProfileContactLogbookNote
Thanks to all for some great images.
Great Series!
Great stuff, ran out of time today, will have to come back and finish another day.