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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #20065

Pullen Park (2) Hand-carvedCompassFirst-aid

Pullen Park, 520 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC
PlantedAugust 16, 2006
ModifiedMarch 19, 2011
Plantersthe pink dragonProfileContactLogbookNote
Ownerthe pink dragonProfileContactLogbookNote
LocationPullen Park, 520 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
1.Choo Choo
by the pink dragonProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredJan 31, 2009Strikeoutffffxxxxxximpossible
2.Pullen Park
by the pink dragonProfileContactLogbookNote
retiredOct 22, 2008Strikeoutffxxxxxxxximpossible

Box Comments

The renovations they are doing at Pullen Park have prevented us from finding these boxes. They may need to be replanted after they are done working there.
Family From FloridaProfileContactLogbookNote
We could not find this box. Looked on all of the ledges, but no box, bummer
Not able to locate either of these boxes today.

1) looked under all possible steps
2) no rock under any tree in the area
First I nabbed Choo Choo. What a cute little stamp. Then I went to get Pullen Park. As I was stamping in there, a LARGE oak limb fell directly where I had been standing to stamp into Choo Choo. Scary stuff. TFTH!
Choo Choo: we looked on every possible ledge and corner but could not find a box
Pullen Park: nowhere to be found