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Read Board: State: New Jersey

Re: house hunting
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #763527 by Rabbit Relations
Mar 13, 2013 2:17pm
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little falls
lincoln park
east hanover
most of parsippany
pretty much everything west or north of fairfield with some nice areas to the south of fairfield

I lived in Montclair for 6 years and in northern NJ for 25+ years.

Help for a Traveler!
Board: State: New Jersey
Jul 17, 2013 5:54am
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Greetings, Jersey! I'm from MA, staying in PA this week, and I could use a hint. I would like to grab a box in your state on my way back through next week. I was unable to find something along my route that was a quick grab not too far from the highway. I'm taking 78E to 87N to the Tappan Zee. Can someone help a girl out?

Also, I just placed a stamp at the I78 PA Welcome Center yesterday - I'm sure the FF will be from Jersey, no? ;)
Re: Help for a Traveler!
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #790613 by marrtians
Jul 17, 2013 6:47am
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Re: Help for a Traveler!
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #790625 by Jaxx
Jul 17, 2013 6:49pm
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The Drew Acorn at is probably missing.

Re: Help for a Traveler!
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #790613 by marrtians
Jul 17, 2013 8:12pm
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Also, I just placed a stamp at the I78 PA Welcome Center yesterday - I'm sure the FF will be from Jersey, no? ;)

That will depend on how we return to Ohio...
Re: Help for a Traveler!
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #790625 by Jaxx
Jul 18, 2013 8:34am
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Yes, sorry - 287N!

Thanks for the suggestions!!
Re: Help for a Traveler!
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #790613 by marrtians
Jul 20, 2013 7:11am
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That's the welcome center at the NJ, PA, NY border by the Delaware River? I'll be there next weekend!
Re: Help for a Traveler!
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #790767 by Phoenix Rizing
Jul 21, 2013 6:41pm
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missing for sure... but the gibbons family plot right down the road is going strong
Re: The Boxer
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #667010 by MissMoon
Oct 21, 2013 7:53pm
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"Once in a while you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right";gAuthorId=59619
An Anniversary Gift
Board: State: New Jersey
Nov 22, 2013 10:46pm
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Cap'n Joe was revolutionary.
Re: Please help us find a letterbox in NJ
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #860707 by System
Jul 29, 2014 1:56am
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If you could tell anything about the box or maybe narrow down what part of Jersey it may be in. There are a lot of parks with lakes that might have water snakes in the state.
Re: Please help us find a letterbox in NJ
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #860707 by System
Jul 29, 2014 3:50am
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Well, it may be Snake Lake Park, from your description. ;-)

But, if you can help us narrow it down. North Joisey (by NYC), South Joisey (by Fluffya), or Central Joisey? Coastal (da Shoar) or inland (putting the garden in the Garden State).

Until then, we will call it Snake Lake Park.

Re: Please help us find a letterbox in NJ
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #860707 by System
Jul 29, 2014 4:15am
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Well 2 parks I have visited come to mind. Cape May Park at the Lighthouse or Washington Lake Park in Washington Township, Gloucester County, NJ. Washington Lake has a few different boxes and we have seen snakes there. Cape May has a box called Black Rat Snake but I have never seen any snakes there.
Re: Please help us find a letterbox in NJ
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #860740 by JerseyTrailblazers
Jul 29, 2014 8:19am
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Lol! I'd love to go this park too, I have a new appreciation of these treasures since I started letterboxing. Snakes, toads, salamanders, huge man-eating earthworms, I enjoy finding them as much as finding the box :).
Re: Please help us find a letterbox in NJ
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #860707 by System
Jul 29, 2014 10:14am
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I believe at the time it had more than one letterbox, maybe 2 or 3 at the same location.

How's about looking in your letterbox logbook where you have the stamp images?

Also your sons may be interested in the Snake album in the photo section of the Toolbox page on AQ.
Re: Please help us find a letterbox in NJ
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #860763 by Wronghat
Jul 29, 2014 11:49am
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Snake album in the photo section of the Toolbox page on AQ.

I didn't know about that! You learn something everyday, especially about THIS website!

I am going to have to add a few photos to that album.

I especially like Wassa's contribution!! I really have to meet that man. He cracks me up!
Re: Please help us find a letterbox in NJ
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #860763 by Wronghat
Jul 29, 2014 11:53am
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Also your sons may be interested in the Snake album in the photo section of the Toolbox page on AQ.

Oh my gosh! I didn't know I had green garden snakes in my yard!
New Jersey hiker killed by black bear : police
Board: State: New Jersey
Sep 22, 2014 4:55pm
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(Reuters) - A man hiking in a heavily wooded area of northern New Jersey was killed by a black bear during the weekend, police said on Monday, in what experts called an extremely rare attack.

Darsh Patel, 22, of Edison, New Jersey, and four friends encountered the bear on Sunday afternoon in the Apshawa Preserve, about 40 miles (64 km) northwest of New York City, according to the West Milford Township, New Jersey, police department.;_ylt=A0LEV1uAtiBUVa0AXu5XNyoA


Be careful out there! Feel awful for the family.

Boxtoberfest 2014
Board: State: New Jersey
Sep 26, 2014 12:50pm
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Just in case you didn't see this post on the mid-Atlantic board
We are down to the last few weeks until Boxtoberfest 2014 at Washington Crossing State Park in New Jersey. Looking forward to seeing everyone that signed up.
If you haven't, there is still time to join us!
Sign up for the main event:

If you would like to camp:

If you are coming to the area on Friday night, join us for dinner:

Hope to see you there!
Lotus & Celtic
Just a Thought
Board: State: New Jersey
Oct 22, 2014 11:49am
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Mo played with Moses while singing Serpentine Fire.
Box suggestions - drive bys & indoors
Board: State: New Jersey
Nov 18, 2014 4:22pm
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Hello All,
We are going to be visiting family and friends between Woolrich and Newark, probably driving on the 295, the 95… (up and down, NJ & PA, so to speak). Boxing time is very limited, since this is a 'visiting people' trip, but we would like to get a few boxes in if possible. The only boxing things we are taking is our log book, sig stamps, & a few ink colors. We hope to return in the Spring or Summer and actually hit some trails, but for now, I'll just be glad if we don't freeze!

So far, I have found one box (Kenya's Calling, in Princeton) which seems like it would fit the bill.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!

~J (with no 'cold weather' clothing/shoes to my name, yet)
Re: New Policy for NJ State Parks ! A must read!
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #893150 by JerseyTrailblazers
Mar 30, 2015 11:18am
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So, there you have it. It seems that NJ may be joining the ranks of some other states in restricting Letterboxing activity by virtue of restrictions on Geocaching. My condolences to all.

Everyone is so darn accepting of unilateral policy changes made by state park employees throughout the country. These policies were not made by legislation, or generally by the people at the top of the department. They were made by specific parks department individuals -- middle managers -- who want a sense of control over "their" park. They want to micromanage things, at quite a cost to taxpayers. Challenge it. Contact the head of the state environmental agency and explain how many state parks you visit because of boxing and how this will impact you. I did in Connecticut and SUCCEEDED. The DEEP Commissioner wrote me back a two-page letter and told the DEEP to withdraw their policy. You could also contact your state representatives and let them know how much money this frivolous policy would be costing the state in terms of employee's time (are there so many parks employees they have time for this??)

One thing to note is that the parks managers will claim letterboxes could cause environmental degradation. Since I am an environmental scientist and also a parks manager, I was able to nip that argument in the bud. Obviously, in some areas, environmental degradation could be a real issue, but throughout most of the country it just isn't. Most of Connecticut was completely clear cut and used for grazing 150 years ago, and now they're seriously worried about a tupperware in the woods? But if there are endangered species nesting, or a very fragile type of ecosystem, then of course letterboxes shouldn't be planted there.
Re: New Policy for NJ State Parks ! A must read!
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #893154 by Trailhead Tessie
Mar 31, 2015 7:16am
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I have to say, at least the person who wrote the descriptions of Letterboxing, Geocaching, Waymarking etc, was pretty knowledgable and got it right.
Re: New Policy for NJ State Parks ! A must read!
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #893254 by Jaxx
Mar 31, 2015 8:33am
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I read about this on some geocaching talk lists and in this case it was the geocachers who screwed things up for themselves. Some people just can't let others play the game in peace and have to pick fights and "claim" areas. This is a case of the adults stepping in and telling the children "ENOUGH".

Sun Worshipers LB Point Pleasant, NJ
Board: State: New Jersey
Mar 31, 2015 8:45am
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Summer of 2014 my travails lead me to the Jenkinson’s boardwalk. I hid the Sun Worshipers letterbox but did not have time to finish the clues. I would really love a fellow boxer to help check on it and possibly some notes about the thing near by to help me write the clues. I don't have planes to visit any time soon. So if anyone can find the box and want it let me know. I'm more then happy to pass it on.

Let me know if you can help. I will pass on all I remember so you can find it.

Sister Fall
Re: Lambertville Shadfest
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #896437 by JerseyTrailblazers
Apr 24, 2015 4:13pm
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I wonder if the Nattybumppo box (LBNA) is still there.

That whole Jersey side of the Delaware River is very cool.

I have always wanted to plant a box in nearby Little Falls (a cute little waterfall).

Re: Lambertville Shadfest
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #896437 by JerseyTrailblazers
Apr 24, 2015 4:46pm
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We've been catching them up here in CT for the last week or so. The Windsor CT Shad Derby is next weekend, 1-3.May. The water is high right now but the ladies are in! The roes are lots of fun on ultra light tackle. Tight lines! :D
Re: Lambertville Shadfest
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #896444 by LightninBug
Apr 24, 2015 4:47pm
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it's a shame that we won't be around because the shad festival is always so much fun!

I wonder if that Natty Bumppo box is still even there, there have been several floods since it was planted but it was under a big pile of rocks. It might?
Re: Suggested Box Runs
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #898548 by System
May 13, 2015 6:21pm
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pick the ones you can find.

Re: Suggested Box Runs
Board: State: New Jersey
Reply to: #898548 by System
May 13, 2015 6:40pm
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Start with ones closest to your house.