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Read Thread: Have been sick

Re: Have been sick/WASH YOUR HANDS
Board: Postals
Reply to: #89390 by Mn8X
May 1, 2007 4:46pm
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If you are really serious about catching something from handling a postal letterbox. WASH YOUR HANDS PEOPLE!! After you have opened the box and done all your stamping and writing and then wrap the box back up and seal it, immediately go and wash your hands!! Don't put them anywhere near your face and don't touch something that will go to your face (like eating utensils).

I am a flight attendant and I handle people's trash all day long and even though they provide gloves for us, I don't always put them on when I go out in the aisle and people hand me glasses they have drank from and napkins that they have wiped their mouths with and tissues that have god knows what in them!! Passengers are out there coughing and hacking and sniffling and even throwing up! And when I finish picking up trash, I go to the restroom and WASH MY HANDS. I don't eat until I have WASHED MY HANDS.

I rarely get sick.

-Amanda from Seattle
Re: Have been sick/WASH YOUR HANDS
Board: Postals
Reply to: #89397 by Amanda from Seattle
May 1, 2007 5:14pm
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I am a nurse and I agree 100% and then some.

We just did 6 days/58 hours of hospital wide education on various things, but part of my assignment was proper hygiene and patient isolation. It all revolves around just that.


Those who think this is an obsession, will soon find themselves much healthier. Just try it!
Re: Have been sick
Board: Postals
Reply to: #89381 by sweet n sour
May 1, 2007 6:19pm
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Well, I am happy to say that I have not given it to any of the other four people in my home, so I think my postals will be safe for all of you. (smile) And yes, I do wash my hands quite often when I am sick and when I'm not sick. I think I just had a little stomach virus is all. Doing much better.
Re: Have been sick
Board: Postals
Reply to: #89383 by wassamatta u
May 1, 2007 7:40pm
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Quote My wife assures me that if I sign up for one more postal, I WILL be sterile... is that what you meant?


That cracked me up! So what choice did you make - more children or more postals?
sick/WASH YOUR HANDS now: Lyme Disease
Board: Postals
Reply to: #89405 by sweet n sour
May 2, 2007 6:18am
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OK, I am SO in line with you guys on the WASH YOUR HANDS thing! Here is my concern regarding our children and "others": Somewhere, people have the misperception that antibacterial goop is OK to do instead of washing hands-just ask any elementary school student-they probably will tell you they always squirt before lunch (but they rarely take the time to wash with soap and water)! Thus, IMO, one of the reasons for virus to spread continuously in schools! Antibacterial squirts don't get rid of viral "stuff".
Don't get me started on the antibacterial goop killing the good bacteria that you need to fight off the bad. Speaking of bacteria......
Warning to letterboxers out there!!! I am being treated for Lyme Disease as we speak. I know ticks are out-haven't seen one on me, but that doesn't mean there hasn't been. After spending days researching this-get treatment as early as you know something is wrong-the antibiotics will kill the bacteria if treated early enough. If you wait, it can be in your system for years causing recurring problems. My sympton: I had and still have a fever for seven days-now I'm in the 9th day of it!! I will be on antibiotics for three weeks.
You guys are walking where these creatures live. The Lyme carrying ticks are the teeny tiny ones you can barely see!!!
Oh yes, dont' forget to wash your hands!!!! =)
Re: sick/WASH YOUR HANDS now: Lyme Disease
Board: Postals
Reply to: #89503 by kwmom
May 2, 2007 6:27am
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Thanks for the warning/advice! Hope you're feeling better and back on the trails soon.

Re: Have been sick
Board: Postals
Reply to: #89383 by wassamatta u
May 2, 2007 8:22am
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"QuoteI hope all of you who are sending out postals after you are sick are being sterile or something.

My wife assures me that if I sign up for one more postal, I WILL be sterile... is that what you meant?"

I didn't fall off my chair, but the tears in my eyes from laughing make it hard to type this. I have got to learn how to get that boxing quote thing right in the future too.

Larva Lady/Zelie Zips
Re: sick/WASH YOUR HANDS now: Lyme Disease
Board: Postals
Reply to: #89507 by Woodsong
May 3, 2007 4:00am
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We went out this past weekend and we were constantly pulling them off our legs before they could attach. My husband is still pulling off ticks. Watch the belly button, one of my daughters always gets one in there! My problem with my girls is their hair. It is so thick and you can see the big ones but the little ones are IMPOSSIBLE!!!!
Re: Have been sick/WASH YOUR HANDS
Board: Postals
Reply to: #89397 by Amanda from Seattle
May 3, 2007 9:39am
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i have been told you should sing

Happy Birthday to Me 2 times while washing my hands. That really gets rid of those pesky germs

but changed her birthday to June 9th