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Read Thread: the snakes are out!!!

Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86029 by ABear
Apr 16, 2007 8:33pm
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Okay, I freely admit that I am petrified of snakes. How can I "be careful?" I know to keep my eyes open, and I know not to stick my hands into holes, but beyond that, are there actual tips for avoiding snakes in the woods?

This week I was checking out a hiding spot in a wooded area. I carried a branch that was about five feet long with a spreading twigged end about that wide. I scratched the area ahead of me with it, waited for movement, and took a step. Step by step, in this strange fashion, I made my way through the little area. Had I been seen, it would have been quite amusing, I'm sure.

The entire time I kept thinking, "There must be a better way!" and I realized that there are some boxes that I just would not be brave enough to seek.

(And this from one who walked into a pitch black tunnel that led underneath an old English abbey. The tunnel was only about two feet wide and six feet high. It wound down beneath the abbey and dead-ended in another tunnel that went straight up into the abbey somewhere. We used a Bic lighter that was nearly out of fluid to light the way. But that was many years ago . . . )

Bottom line: any anti-snake tips??

Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86035 by Mama Cache
Apr 16, 2007 10:47pm
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I think the best way to deal with fear, is to learn why you fear something. Sudden movements can be alarming, of course. But most snakes are not dangerous to us gigantic humans.

I was out yesterday, and we came upon a family who had found a gopher snake sitting on the trail, sunning itself. Once the mom had made certain that the snake wasn't venomous, the kids -- carefully -- picked up the snake, and were engaged in some snake snuggling when we walked by. I was so happy to see people responding to this snake with curiosity and respect, and not trying to bash its head in, just because it was a snake. The biologist I was hiking with was pretty pleased, too. The snake was docile, and the family was being very careful in the way they handled this animal. They were delighted to have the opportunity to experience an amazing creature, up close.


I asked the kids if I might hold the snake for a moment, and it immediately curled around my warm black camera. Very charming.

Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86043 by lisascenic
Apr 16, 2007 11:10pm
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Here is a pretty good primer on snake safety for Idaho. The photo at the top of the page is a bit freaky.

Be safe!
Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86035 by Mama Cache
Apr 17, 2007 8:43am
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Quote any anti-snake tips??

Move to Hawaii. Rumor has it, there are no snakes there. =)

-- Ryan
Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86035 by Mama Cache
Apr 17, 2007 9:00am
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Best anti-snake tip: Use a walking stick...just like you did....absolutely the best way....they absolutely want no part of you or anything you are doing.....

Also....wear boots that come up above the ankle......

Be nice to Snakes Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86043 by lisascenic
Apr 17, 2007 9:08am
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Snakes are so benifical. They control rodent and insect populations. They are more afraid of you, you are bigger. Please take the time to learn about snakes and even though you may never like them, you can understand them. When we go to our local Nature center my 3 year old daughter loves to pet them. If we can teach our children to respect wildlife, they will not fear them.

my two cents
Ona Journey
Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86117 by Green Tortuga
Apr 17, 2007 9:11am
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Quote Move to Hawaii.

Or Western Washington... all we have here are non-venemous snakes. And basically no venemous spiders either (yes, yes... I know about wolf spiders...). And no tornadoes. No fire ants. No hurricanes.

Of course, we do have very rare earthquakes... but basically, if you don't mind an occassional raindrop, it's a pretty darn safe place to live!

Carianna of the GG (who doesn't mind snakes of any kind but is flat-out phobic of anything with 8 legs)
Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86117 by Green Tortuga
Apr 17, 2007 9:56am
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Quote Move to Hawaii. Rumor has it, there are no snakes there. =)

Hope my wife doesn't read this. She'll be begging me to move to Hawaii....

Michael of GloHatchet
Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86117 by Green Tortuga
Apr 17, 2007 2:18pm
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Quote Move to Hawaii. Rumor has it, there are no snakes there. =)

It is true that there is no snakes or venomous spiders in Hawaii. I lived there for most of my life and I should know that. :)

Living in Idaho
Trouble of the Ely Bugs
Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86195 by Trouble Bug
Apr 17, 2007 8:31pm
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Quote It is true that there is no snakes or venomous spiders in Hawaii.

True, but those cane spiders are too creepy. :shudder:

Singing Wolf
Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86267 by Singing Wolf
Apr 17, 2007 8:54pm
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Quote True, but those cane spiders are too creepy. :shudder:

So I googled the awful thing just before bedtime! (So unwise.)

Now I've got to go distract myself because . . .

Now I lay me down to sleep,
a big cane spider at my feet.
I'm sure to die before I wake,
and that will end my fear of snakes.

Late night poetry is always a bad idea.

Mama Cache
Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #86029 by ABear
Jul 11, 2007 2:17pm
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everytime i go out hunting im afraid im going to see a snake now. im terrified of snakes. its not even funny.
Re: the snakes are out!!!
Board: State: Idaho
Reply to: #108302 by campfrekkles
Jul 16, 2007 9:18am
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I have only encountered snakes twice when boxing and they were harmless. But they did help me move rather quickly when I encountered them. We just try to use a lot of caution when looking, we carry gloves and often look for sticks to use when reaching into holes or crevices. Hate crawly critters too!

Safe hunting! Blackvelvetrav