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Read Thread: A Morbid Affair it was!!!!

Re: A Morbid Affair it was!!!!
Board: State: New York
Reply to: #85684 by jackbear
Apr 16, 2007 6:22am
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Ahh...finally rested up and able to report on a most unique and charming event. My comrade in arms ( Partypig) and I headed out early so I could plant some bunny boxes in Buffalo. Found a wonderful "park" not too far from the event and planted all boxes in record time. By the time we made it to the gathering, the party was in full swing. I presented many adult boxes and let people stamp in while I met the dashing Birbanto. What a charmer! And he wasn't kidding...he actually DID show up in a tuxedo! He was my first exchange and I quickly did some others with some other new faces, including the polite and fun-loving Bulldog51. Nice signature stamped carved by would have made that OTHER Bulldawg quite proud! I got to meet the lovely Lady Lilac...who really DOES travel with lilac accessories!

Kitten without Mittens and Falling Leaves did a GREAT job hiding the day only boxes and I really appreciate the effort that went into that. The clues were tricky but not undoable so I felt like I really worked for each and every stamp. I am sorry the adult boxes were spoonfed but I just don't trust planting them nearby and a kid perhaps stumbling upon them. The adults only table worked out just fine and I think most people were able to get the adult stamps easily. $H Mom added a hilarious themed cootie "The Rabbit Died" which I actually didn't mind catching! Craftymouse and Dandelion contributed two hilarious Bunny Boxes which are a MUST have. I saw a familiar face in DustyStrings but she didn't remember meeting me over 2 years Dee123 seemed to be enjoying herself and it was a pleasure to exchange with her. I didn't bother with any Pt's as there were so many people I didn't know!

I sold some more of the infamous Blue Diamond patches and was happy to see some already displayed on backpacks. The weather was chilly but people were grouping up in cars and going boxing anyway so I quickly joined in with a group with Cath, Gwennie, and Partypig. We first went to the mystery location to snag my latest Taphophile box ( each and every one planted in a coffin!) for Cath. We passed Chadams and Phoenix already on the prowl to get first finders on the bunny boxes I had planted. We went on to bag Phoenix's "Competitors, and were lucky to have him on speeddial, as he was s unaware someone had removed the stopsign cited in one of his clues! No matter, as we found the boxes anyway and then proceeded to chase down Celtic Quinn's Degraff Memorial. Found that one lying in the we made sure to hide it really well again.

Back to the gather where Cain was toasting marshmallow bunnies for everyone and I finally got to exchange with Team Dakota..who turns out to live very very close to the mystery "park" where my bunnies were hidden! Handed him the clue cards so he could snag those later. I played pin the tail on the dead bunny, nibbled on some carrots, and then it was time to chase down all the Bunny Suicide boxes. There were a scream! How clever! How well carved! I laughed at each one as we opened the box as the names gave you no clue to what you would find inside..but once you saw the stamp the lightbulb went on and you laughed outloud! My faithful companions Jackbear and Partypig made this a fun adventure as we chased Chadams and Phoenix ( both who are possessed boxers) to be the first to stamp in at each box. The toughest grab was the one inside the Green Tortuga's hollow head. Man oh man..the box was really crammed in there! Good thing there was no brain competing for space! *grin* So we boxes away and then headed back to the pavilion to box somemore. I got my picture taken with Marjorie and was horrified to see Chadams entice her to pose on top of the grill! eek! I THINK I met and spoke with Ninja Rob and was so pissed I didn't get an exchange with him.

We boxed 2 hours after the gather ended and then headed over to the after gather where Jackbear, Partypig and I toasted each other with some cold frothy brews. The whole gang was there although I think Reaching for the Stars ate on the opposite side of the restaurant before she found us! We toasted the great event planners, and the newly engaged CQ and Kitten and then passed a hat for I was horrified to imagine what they must have spent on lock n lock's alone! Did I mention everyone got a rabbit's foot door prize? :)

So well well executed...the cold weather and lack of close bathrooms could not tear us away from spending so much time with such fun people. Can't wait to make it back out that way again to see everyone and snag more boxes!!

"Nice Counts"
The BBB (Burke's Boxing Bunch) (was Re: A Morbid Affair it w
Board: State: New York
Reply to: #85868 by Lock Wench
Apr 16, 2007 6:38pm
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Quote He was my first exchange and I quickly did some others with some other new faces, including the polite and fun-loving Bulldog51. Nice signature stamped carved by would have made that OTHER Bulldawg quite proud!

This makes me mighty proud! Bulldog51 (and Grandma51), Wrestler Man, Soccer Star 7, gymnasticsgirl6, Cheerleading Queen and happy feet246 are all students of mine, either from my classroom or the reading team I coach. I've been trying to teach them all the boxing etiquette I know (so why they were GOOD and POLITE, I have NO idea! :-) ) They started boxing with me doing my Science Olympics virtuals at schools, then I hid M & M (my traveler) in another teacher's classroom for them to find after solving the 8 coded sentences (had to solve a ninth one to find the right room!). I showed anyone who did all that how to use AQ in school with more virtuals and how to log their finds. Once they started finding virtuals, they started MAKING them and THEN noticing all the traditional boxes. So, I showed them my log book and explained all about the "real" boxes that you could find all over the world. Since this bunch had started giving up recess time to work on boxes, I let them either find or draw a pic and I carved their stamps for them (Bulldog51 drew one first, then found the pic for the one he's got now).

That was on a Friday.

By next week, 4 of these kids had already gotten their first find (before me on one box!). Wrestler Man and Bulldog51 actually went BEFORE SCHOOL one day to do a stamp a few streets over! Last week during spring break, they and Grandma51 all came out and helped me do maintenance on the Thankful at Royalton Ravine series (where we were all ankle deep in icy MUD!), then the boys and Soccer Star 7 ended up at all the weekend events with us. In fact, I think my favorite moment of the whole event was watching the Highlander going off with Bulldog51 and Wrestler Man trotting next to him to search for a box under the bridge at the park...was like an updated Rockwell painting! :-)

I just started a boxing club for them today called The BBB...I'm going to have to make a stamp for them all to get for their major dedication to boxing. If any of you met them, feel free to send them a message. We read our AQ mail at school, so I KNOW they'd love to hear that you thought they were good kids! :-)

The S & H
Re: A Morbid Affair it was!!!!
Board: State: New York
Reply to: #85684 by jackbear
May 7, 2007 5:28am
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Hi jackbear,

We were at the event as well but I don't remember meeting you. Perhaps we were boxing or trying to hide Joust. Or did we meet and I was so overcome with grief seeing Marty so mistreated that I just forgot? I'm sooo traumatized by the whole affair!

I noticed that you received mail about a box I placed in the Adirondacks last Saturday. I hope you find it - it's fairly easy as you don't have to get off of RT 3 and it's near Saranac Lake. It's in honor of the Legend of Sara the Snowy Owl. I have a picture of her hiding place but have not uploaded it yet. If you are planning a trip perhaps you will include a little time to check her for me and make sure she's OK. She's my first real hand-carved (although nothing "spectacular" it is cute) and first out-of-the-area so I'm a little worried about her.

Hope to see you on the trail again someday. Happy boxing!

Adventure Di
Northwoods Adventure Team
North Tonawanda, NY
Re: A Morbid Affair it was!!!!
Board: State: New York
Reply to: #90487 by Northwoods Adventure
May 7, 2007 9:09am
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Hey, Northwoods Adventure Team...good to see you guys back in the game! We totally missed you at AMA, too, but glad you made it!

The S & H