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Read Thread: Adult boxes - last on this I SWEAR

Adult boxes - last on this I SWEAR
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Mar 7, 2007 5:58pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Just wanted to thank everyone that has been supportive, offered words of encouragement, gave suggestions, praised my artwork, upheld my convictions and everything else during all this bru-ha-ha.

I've had a real artist's affirming moment about all this, even though that was never really the issue at hand. That may sound somewhat melodramatic and overblown about a hobby, but for some of us, the creation of the stamp *is* art. The box is just the form in which we present it...our gallery, if you will. And, it's tough and demoralizing when your own wishes about your artwork are ignored.

But, through this week, I've been reminded that there are boxers out there who do really 'get' my art and my views for it, and that means more than I can ever express. So, thanks.

And, Happy Trails, and I'll keep carving and planting.

Jenni P McD
Re: Adult boxes - last on this I SWEAR
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #76716 by Jenni P McD
Mar 8, 2007 4:41am
Thread (disabled) Board
I's like to second that. I have changed most of my public adult boxes( about 20, I believe) to "Mysteries", I have retained any really hardcore ones and will only give those to people I know, and I have written new disclaimers. As for the people who disregard the planter's wishes and/or hand out WOM clues willy-nilly....II agree with what others have said on here and in private supportive emails to me. There is no hope for these people and you won't change you just learn to avoid them.

"Nice Counts"