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What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #72931 by thethreecs
Feb 19, 2007 6:46am
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Would you try any of these---
- Give some them out with tips to waitresses?
- Give a couple "good jobs" type to teachers?
- Make one your name/address and one your name phone, so you never have
to fill that information in again?
- Take them to work to actually start stamping little happies on people's draft
work that you approve of?
(can you just see this one? Administrative assistant walks out of the office
with a paper and is met by others, "What did you get?" They don't wait
for the answer and peer over his/her shoulder. "Oh my gosh!" "You got
the Dancing Gnome!" "Wow, you must have done a really good job!")

I know that people who buy *shudder* stamps have huge collections. They store them in trays and such, but how would you store them? Would they fall out of your closet and hit you on the head as the threecs suggested?
Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #72982 by Shadohart
Feb 19, 2007 12:26pm
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I love those ideas...... now I know what to give DD teacher at the end of the school year. I work outdoors with children.... maybe a theme stamp for whatever I'm teaching that day. Frog for amphibians - animal tracks for the tracking class.

Now I now what I'm doing later.

Maybe I will need to buy a special drawer to hold my future 300 stamps?

T. of
Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #73102 by thethreecs
Feb 19, 2007 12:45pm
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Quote I work outdoors with children.... maybe a theme stamp for whatever I'm teaching that day. Frog for amphibians - animal tracks for the tracking class.

Ohhh I like those ideas too! The kids would really get into that! You never know, you could become known as the "Stamp Lady/Guy" or even teach someone about letterboxing in the process! woohoo! If you give a little quiz after the tracking class, you can give 'em a page with the animal names and they can use the stamps to put the right print with the name.

OH, what about a nice "From the desk of ______" stamp. You could make them for that nice boss or coworker, spouse, or teacher. Treasured and useful gifts. They could cut up waste paper (blank on one side) and then stamp it at the top or bottom with their name for instant --and enviro friendly--note paper.

Tee (who wants to see the drawer of 300 stamps!)
Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #73112 by Shadohart
Feb 19, 2007 1:37pm
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We carve "bookplates" for friends. Ex Libris stamps that include their names and a theme image.

Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #73112 by Shadohart
Feb 19, 2007 5:26pm
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I'm known as the "Bug Lady" at my daughter's school! Kids are funny... Right now I'm the coolest thing to the elementary crowd. The middle school kid's think I'm cool, but strange. The high school kids, well, they think I'm gross. *Bragging here* I can get just about anyone's attention when I wrangle a snake or catch a tadpole (barehanded of course)!

I only handle the critters to inform, never to keep as pets! I like the idea of passing out stamps if time permits during the class.

I better get busy carving. I only need to carve another 290 stamps!

I really love A.Q. for all the great ideas. Keep up the chatter!!

T. of
Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #73160 by thethreecs
Feb 19, 2007 5:31pm
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Quote I only handle the critters to inform, never to keep as pets! I like the idea of passing out stamps if time permits during the class.

You could make the handing out of stamps part of the lesson about taking nothing from nature. They don't have to keep the critter if they can take a picture, draw a picture, or make a stamp to remember it by.
Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #73163 by Shadohart
Feb 19, 2007 5:39pm
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Absolutely right!

Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #72982 by Shadohart
Feb 21, 2007 12:03pm
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Yay, its nice to meet another stamper :)

I started stamping before I began letterboxing and I am guilty of having at least that many stamps and probably more. I have two 4 or 5 drawer plastic rolly carts that store them. I have several mini picket fences along the wall with three or 4 lips going across them that store stamps. I have a number of binders filled with plastic sheets( they store photos or baseball type cards usually) for my unmounted stamps. Its much cheaper to buy the rubber without the wood.

I have shoeboxes/ photo boxes that store my word verbage and foam type stamp sets. I have three or four plastic tubs/tins that I put my "need to be cleaned" stamps. I store my peg stamps in a separate tin.

Happy stamping,

Whispering Thunder
Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #73641 by Whispering Thunder
Feb 21, 2007 12:07pm
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Quote I have two 4 or 5 drawer plastic rolly carts that store them. I have several mini picket fences along the wall with three or 4 lips going across them that store stamps. I have a number of binders filled with plastic sheets( they store photos or baseball type cards usually) for my unmounted stamps. Its much cheaper to buy the rubber without the wood.

I have shoeboxes/ photo boxes that store my word verbage and foam type stamp sets. I have three or four plastic tubs/tins that I put my "need to be cleaned" stamps. I store my peg stamps in a separate tin.

Happy stamping,

Whispering Thunder

Wow. I see collections like that and I just think about the investment and time to collect them all. (can you say - kid in a candy store?) Wow.

You must make a lot of neat stuff with your stamps... wanna share your ideas and some of your projects?
Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #73642 by Shadohart
Feb 21, 2007 12:10pm
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Sure, feel free to email me thru AQ email- my break is almost over at the moment. I'll check my email this evening.

Whispering Thunder
Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #73641 by Whispering Thunder
Feb 22, 2007 6:34am
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Quote I have shoeboxes/ photo boxes that store my word verbage and foam type stamp sets.

Did you know that "verbage" is not recognized as a word in the English language, but given your description of the amount of stamps you have, "VERBIAGE" might describe work.

ver·bi·age (plural ver·bi·ages)


1. excess of words: an excess of words that add little or nothing to the meaning

2. wording: the style of language in which something is expressed
bureaucratic verbiage

word nerd
Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #73844 by lisascenic
Feb 22, 2007 7:02am
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Quote Did you know that "verbage" is not recognized as a word in the English language

That depends on which dictionary you use.


/ver'b*j/ n. A deliberate misspelling and mispronunciation of verbiage that assimilates it to the word `garbage'. More pejorative than `verbiage'.

Re: What would you do with/where would you put 300 stamps?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #73844 by lisascenic
Feb 22, 2007 7:10am
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Quote "VERBIAGE" might describe work

My new favorite word for this is prolix, because 1) it's older and 2) it has an X in it.

-Moondog, verbivore
(Oxford doesn't recognize verbivore, but Lederer does and that's good enough for me.)