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Read Thread: Foul called! Improper use of the word 'verb'

Re: Foul called! Improper use of the word 'verb'
Board: Suggestion Box
Reply to: #68516 by speedsquare
Feb 6, 2007 6:27am
Thread (disabled) Board
When I was learning them, they were called helping verbs. My classmates and I would race to see who could finish them faster. Ready ... set ...

is am are was were be being been has have had do does did shall will should may might must can could

I learned them this way:

am is are was were, be being been, do did does, have has had, may might must, can could, shall should, will would....

I notice that they are all still there, but in a different order.

It has a nice chanty rhymey feeling and rhythm!

What about this list of prepositions we had to memorize:

aboard about above across after against along amid among around at as, before behind below beneath beside between beyond but by concerning, down during except for from in into, inside like near, of off on onto, over past since through, throughout till to toward, under underneath, until unto, up upon, with within without!

I know it isn't all of them, but it sure is a lot. Funny that I can still chant them. I'll never forget that test. I hadn't studied for it, but I guess we chanted them enough in class that I got them all!

See... memorization is good for the soul!

Celtic Morphos