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Read Thread: What should we expect?

Re: What should we expect?
Board: Personal Travelers
Reply to: #64987 by Crazyolis
Jan 20, 2007 8:51am
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Ok, breathe. I think I can answer most of your questions. Big gathers are just that.....BIG. There is something for everyone and that is the beauty of them. But they can be overwhelming if you don't know what to expect.

Some people go to gathers to get the stamps from the planted letterboxes. Often, as in the case of Sun, they are from great carvers all over the country, so unless you do might never have seen some of this work. Many people come for those stamps and just box box box until the sun goes down! And sometimes even longer than THAT. And that's there are plenty of people into that kind of thing.

Then there are those who want to meet the people they see on the boards..or stamped into their logbooks. They concentrate on exchanging with these people...which means you will swap signature stamps and get to put a face with a trail name. Others print out all the personal traveler clues and try to get as many of THOSE as they they really tell you something about the person. It's a great way to break the ice and strike up conversations..and most people are quite pleased that you've taken the time to ask for/solve their PT.

At Sun, we also have games and a kids' box and these are a great way to keep kids occupied...who might get too cold or too tired to search out every planted box. They get to make friends too and many kids look for each other at every gather they attend. We also have an educational game..this year it is "Where's the Box?"...a fun way to learn how to hide boxes and also win some prizes.

At Sun, we like to encourage new boxers and help defray the costs of this hobby..albeit is one of the cheaper hobbies out there. So raffle tickets are sold for baskets full of carving supplies, fancy journals, cootie containers, color wheel ink, marvy markers, etc. You can share tickets and split your can keep some stuff and give other stuff as gifts, etc etc. There are special items included too such as an LBNY T shirt, gas cards, an Atlasquest 2007 calendar, a tooled leather refillable journal and a 1947 book of Dartmoor photos. The sale of raffle tickets pays for the lodge rental, clue booklets and other stuff, but you shouldn't feel obligated to buy any tickets. Sun requires just a dish to pass as your "entry fee" and all else is fun fun fun. Of course, every raffle ticket purchase is appreciated. :) But Sun requires just a dish to pass as your "entry fee" and all else is fun fun fun. I don't want anyone to stay away because they thought they couldn't afford to come.

For those who like to get the boxes during the day and save the PTS or exchanges until later..there is our After Event called Desperately Seeking Suds. This "after gather" includes a buffet ( I better get the pricing for this!) and plenty of time and space to swap cooties, PTS, exchanges, etc. Depending on how long you are in can plan your time accordingly.

So as you can may sound overwhelming, but take comfort that almost half of this year's attendees are brand spanking new boxers...and have never been to a gather. You can also take comfort that LBNY boxers are some of the friendliest and most helpful boxers out there..and they will answer any question and will be happy to sit and stamp with you...or join you on the trail. No need to be shy, as you are in a room full of people who like to do the EXACT same hobby as you. So you already have something in common! Be prepared to make LOTS of new friends.

"Nice Counts"
Re: What should we expect?
Board: Personal Travelers
Reply to: #64987 by Crazyolis
Jan 20, 2007 9:06am
Thread (disabled) Board longwinded and forgot to answer your pointed questions!

It IS helpful to bring a print out of the PT's and do your "homework" before the gather...which means researchingon google/writing out any answers. I will already have nametags at the gather, and you can either write out your trailname on it or stamp it. I personally think it's easier for people to see large block letters that say LOCK WENCH then for people to try to decipher my stamp image from afar.

For larger gathers, I hand stamp my signature stamp onto large mailing stickers. Then during an exchange I can just put the handstamped image in their book and spend more time writing a nice note. Some people, such as Pete and Wanda, prefer no stickers in their book, even hand-stamped ones, so for them I stamp in "right there". It depends on what you like to do.

I WOULD tie something to your journal or make it easily recognizable though. As logbooks get passed around a table it is easy to lose track of your things. Label your container of markers or your stamp pad too. Makes it easier for things to get back to their owner.

And be prepared for "one day only" stamps. These are the boxes that used to be carried to gatherings and just "dumped" on tables. No more. At least not at Sun. Any event stamp that comes to Sun will have to be hidden and a clue written on provided index cards...which will be mounted on a bulletin board. To search for the box, you take the card with you, and then return it to the board so the next person can search it out. The good news can actually count it as a FIND!

Event stamps are happily encouraged at SUDS, however. Bring 'em, trade em', swap 'em..whatever!

"Nice Counts"
Re: What should we expect?
Board: Personal Travelers
Reply to: #64987 by Crazyolis
Jan 20, 2007 8:02pm
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I laughed when I read crazyolis' message - it voiced all the same things I've been thinking since I signed up for DSS. I have a few more questions for Lock Wench.

Do we have to have PTs? I mean, we're going to try but we've only just begun to carve and I still need to get raw materials. (I know there's time). We're still working on our sigs.
I saw your post about all the stamps coming in - are we expected to do this? Is it okay to just come without sending in a flaky stamp?
Also, I'd like to buy raffle tickets - is there a way to do this ahead of time?

Thanks for your patience!

Re: What should we expect?
Board: Personal Travelers
Reply to: #65147 by Many Happy Returns
Jan 20, 2007 11:38pm
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No, you are not expected to have PT's. When I started I didn't have one for a very long time, as I wanted to be sure whatever I came up with was unique and didn't feel rushed.

As for contributing stamps, I don't expect new people to carve a stamp. I basically ask people who have been carving for quite awhile, as their different styles help inspire new people and besides...they are so much faster at it. Well, except for Brian of TGD. :)

All you are expected to do at your first event is have fun. Truly. You learn things, you meet people (and some will become great friends) and you get some great boxes...but first and's supposed to be FUN. Letterboxing education is great, and I've taught quite a few classes, but if it's not in a fun setting than I doubt much will be retained. Please just come and experience as many different things as you can.

As for buying raffle tickets ahead of can do so if you are just buying 1 for a dollar or 6 for $5. But if you are trying to buy an arm's length for $10 you will have to wait until you arrive. If pre-sales is something you are interested in, just contact me off list and you can PayPal me for your tickets and have them set aside...but you will be forced to use MY arm length as a measuring stick. Did I mention I am only 5'2"? :) As for the need not be present to win, as long as someone else has your tickets and can pick up your prize for you. I allow each winner to pick their prize basket from the raffle table until all prizes are distributed, so you might want to check them out and choose which one you're really really interested in. I will post the contents of each raffle basket in about 2 weeks....when everything is in.

"Nice Counts"
Re: What should we expect?
Board: Personal Travelers
Reply to: #64987 by Crazyolis
Jan 21, 2007 6:15am
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When first attending a gather, there were very few PTs about (they were new on the horizon). However, the thought had occurred to me (albeit late) that a personal traveller could also be used as an alias in which to keep your trail name and sig stamp secret! (For instance: just asking to exchange would be "THE" tricky questions).

Just part of the "no rules clause" fun of letterboxing!! Bwah-ha-ha!!

phynstar :)