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Read Thread: AQ Emails Not Going Through?

Re: AQ Emails Not Going Through?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #56678 by Alien Invasive Insects
Dec 13, 2006 8:48pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Quote I'll try to stop bringing all these little mishaps up!

You know, as far as problems go, this one was rather exciting for me. =) There are lots of things one can do to mess up the database, but this was the first time I've ever CORRUPTED the data from a simple query (that still seems absolutely correct, but I'm testing on my development machine where it's safe to crash the database!). Queries break, they might run out of control and try to return too much information, but to actually corrupt a table? In the three years I've been working on Atlas Quest, I've NEVER managed to corrupt a table before. NEVER! =)

I knew about the "repair" command, but it's always been one of those things like presidents peeing. You know they do it, but you never really expect to see it yourself! It was the first time I had to repair the database! =)

-- Ryan
Re: AQ Emails Not Going Through?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #56679 by Green Tortuga
Dec 13, 2006 8:54pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Quote It was the first time I had to repair the database! =)

Well, I am sure I speak for the general population when I say "thank you for doing so!!!"
Where would we be without AQ??! (Oh yeah ... letteboxing! har har!!)

Seriously, thank you!